من پیش از تو که نسخه انگلیسی نوشتاری آن را نیز می توانید در این لینک دانلود کنید ، رمانی عاشقانه از جوجو مویز نویسنده انگلیسی است. داستان من پیش از تو، داستان عشق عجیبی است که بین لوییزا و ویل جریان دارد. لوییزا دختر جوانی است که محتاج درآمد است و ویل، مرد ثروتمندی که میخواهد به زندگیاش پایان بدهد.
معرفی و دانلود کتاب صوتی انگلیسی من پیش از تو
Me Before You
جوجو مویز jojo moyes
درباره کتاب صوتی انگلیسی من پیش از تو نوشته ی جوجو مویز:
من پیش از تو که نسخه انگلیسی نوشتاری آن را نیز می توانید در این لینک دانلود کنید ، رمانی عاشقانه از جوجو مویز نویسنده انگلیسی است. داستان من پیش از تو، داستان عشق عجیبی است که بین لوییزا و ویل جریان دارد. لوییزا دختر جوانی است که محتاج درآمد است و ویل، مرد ثروتمندی که میخواهد به زندگیاش پایان بدهد.
من پیش از تو، داستانی عاشقانه از زندگی لوییزا و ویل است. لوییزا دختر جوانی است که در تامین مخارج خانواده کمک میکند. او به تازگی کارش را از دست داده است و حالا به شدت دنبال کار میگردد. وقتی آگهی استخدام پرستاری از یک مرد جوان توانخواه را میبیند به مصاحبه میرود و موفق میشود که کار را هم بگیرد. اما از دلیل اصلی استخدام شدنش خبر ندارد. لوییزا حالا پرستار ویل است. ویل به دلیل تصادفی فلج شده است تصمیم گرفته که با خودکشی به زندگیاش پایان بدهد. مادرش، که از تصمیم او باخبر است، میخواهد با استخدام دختری جوان و زیبا به عنوان پرستار، به زندگی پسرش روح و طراوت ببخشد. اما لوییزا از این قضیه بیخبر است. کمی بعد او از این ماجرا باخبر میشود و تمام تلاشش را میکند که ویل را از تصمیمی که گرفته است، منصرف کند. با ازدواج نامزد سابق ویل با دوست صمیمیاش، حال ویل بدتر میشود و …
معرفی کتاب های صوتی جدید در پیج اینستاگرام بیبلیوفایل
دربارهی جوجو مویز نویسنده ی کتاب من پیش از تو:
جوجو مویز با نام کامل پائولین سارا جو مویز، در ۴ اوت سال ۱۹۶۹ در لندن، انگلستان متولد شد. او در دانشگاه به تحصیل در رشتهی روزنامهنگاری پرداخت. جوجو مویز از سال ۲۰۰۲ شروع به نوشتن رمانهای عاشقانه کرد. آثار او در سراسر دنیا خواننده دارد و به بیش از یازده زبان مختلف ترجمه شدهاند. معروفیت او در ایران به دلیل انتشار کتاب من، پیش از تو بود که تا به حال بارها تجدید چاپ شده است. از کتابهای مشهور او که به زبان فارسی هم ترجمه شدهاند میتوانیم به من، پیش از تو، پس از تو، میوهی خارجی، دختری که رهایش کردی، یک به علاوهی یک و باز هم من اشاره کرد.
بخشی از ترجمه فارسی کتاب من پیش از تو:
دلیل واقعی نگرانی بابا را میدانستم. آنها روی درآمد من حساب میکردند. ترینا تقریبا مجانی در گلفروشی کار میکرد. مامان باید از پدربزرگ مراقبت میکرد و شرایط کارکردن نداشت. حقوق بازنشستگی پدربزرگ هم کم بود. بابا همیشه نگران کارش در کارخانهی مبلسازی بود. رئیس کارخانه چند ماهی بود زمزمههایی دربارهی تعدیل نیرو میکرد. در خانه نجواهایی میشنیدم و صحبت از بدهی و تغییر کارت اعتباری بود. دو سال قبل، رانندهای که بیمه هم نداشت اتومبیل بابا را دربوداغان کرد و این اتفاق آنقدر بد بود که خیلی چیزها عوض شد و در نهایت والدینم دچار مشکلات مالی شدند. برای هزینههای خانه روی دستمزد ناچیز من حساب میکردند. خوشبختانه آنقدر بود که به خانواده کمک کند ایام بگذرد.
ـ حالا ول کنید و اینقدر جلو نروید. فردا میتواند برود ادارهی کاریابی و ببیند کاری هست یا نه. خودش اینقدر پول دارد که مدتی را سر کند.
طوری حرف میزدند که انگار من حضور ندارم.
ـ دختر زرنگی هم که هست. عزیزم، مگر نه؟ میتوانی بروی دورهی ماشیننویسی ببینی. برو دنبال کار دفتری.
نشستم و به پدر و مادرم گوش دادم که داشتند جروبحث میکردند که باتوجه به تواناییهای محدودم از عهدهی چه کارهایی برمیآیم. کار در کارخانه، چرخکار خیاطی، درست کردن ساندویچ. آنروز بعدازظهر برای اولین بار در عمرم دلم میخواست گریه کنم. توماس با چشمان بهتزده به من نگاه میکرد. بدون اینکه حرفی بزند نصف بیسکویت دهنزدهاش را به من داد.
ـ ممنونم توماس.
بعد در سکوت بیسکویت را در دهانم گذاشتم.
توضیحات کتاب Me Before You :
From the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Giver of Stars, discover the love story that captured over 20 million hearts in Me Before You, After You, and Still Me.
They had nothing in common until love gave them everything to lose . . .
Louisa Clark is an ordinary girl living an exceedingly ordinary life—steady boyfriend, close family—who has barely been farther afield than their tiny village. She takes a badly needed job working for ex–Master of the Universe Will Traynor, who is wheelchair bound after an accident. Will has always lived a huge life—big deals, extreme sports, worldwide travel—and now he’s pretty sure he cannot live the way he is.
Will is acerbic, moody, bossy—but Lou refuses to treat him with kid gloves, and soon his happiness means more to her than she expected. When she learns that Will has shocking plans of his own, she sets out to show him that life is still worth living.
A Love Story for this generation and perfect for fans of John Green’s The Fault in Our Stars, Me Before You brings to life two people who couldn’t have less in common—a heartbreakingly romantic novel that asks, What do you do when making the person you love happy also means breaking your own heart?
جملاتی از داستان صوتی انگلیسی Me Before You :
Me Before You Quotes
― Me Before You
“Push yourself. Don’t Settle. Just live well. Just LIVE.”
“Some mistakes… Just have greater consequences than others. But you don’t have to let the result of one mistake be the thing that defines you. You, Clark, have the choice not to let that happen.”
― Me Before You
“I will never, ever regret the things I’ve done. Because most days, all you have are places in your memory that you can go to.”
“All I can say is that you make me… you make me into someone I couldn’t even imagine. You make me happy, even when you’re awful. I would rather be with you – even the you that you seem to think is diminished – than with anyone else in the world.”
― Me Before You
“Hey Clark’, he said.’Tell me something good’. I stared out of the window at the bright-blue Swiss sky and I told him a story of two people. Two people who shouldn’t have met, and who didn’t like each other much when they did, but who found they were the only two people in the world who could possibly have understood each other. And I told him of the adventures they had, the places they had gone, and the things I had seen that I had never expected to. I conjured for him electric skies and iridescent seas and evenings full of laughter and silly jokes. I drew a world for him, a world far from a Swiss industrial estate, a world in which he was still somehow the person he had wanted to be. I drew the world he had created for me, full of wonder and possibility.”
“You can only actually help someone who wants to be helped.”
― Me Before You
“Push yourself. Don’t settle. Wear those stripy legs with pride. And if you insist on settling down with some ridiculous bloke, make sure some of this is squirreled away somewhere. Knowing you still have possibilities is a luxury. Knowing I might have given them to you has alleviated something for me.”
“I hadn’t realized that music could unlock things in you, could transport you to somewhere even the composer hadn’t predicted. It left an imprint in the air around you, as if you carried its remnants with you when you went.”
― Me Before You
“I turned in my seat. Will’s face was in shadow and I couldn’t quite make it out.
‘Just hold on. Just for a minute.’
‘Are you all right?’ I found my gaze dropping towards his chair, afraid some part of him was pinched, or trapped, that I had got something wrong.
‘I’m fine. I just . . . ’
I could see his pale collar, his dark suit jacket a contrast against it.
‘I don’t want to go in just yet. I just want to sit and not have to think about . . . ’ He swallowed.
Even in the half-dark it seemed effortful.
‘I just . . . want to be a man who has been to a concert with a girl in a red dress. Just for a few minutes more.’
I released the door handle.
I closed my eyes and lay my head against the headrest, and we sat there together for a while longer, two people lost in remembered music, half hidden in the shadow of a castle on a moonlit hill.”
“You are scored on my heart,Clark. You were from the first day you walked in,with your ridiculous clothes and your complete inability to ever hide a single thing you felt.”
“…I told him a story of two people. Two people who shouldn’t have met, and who didn’t like each other much when they did, but who found they were the only two people in the world who could possibly have understood each other.”
― Me Before You
“I realized I was afraid of living without him. How is it you have the right to destroy my life, I wanted to demand of him, but I’m not allowed a say in yours?
But I had promised.”
“Shhh. Just listen. You, of all people. Listen to what Im saying. This…tonight…is the most wonderful thing you could have done for me. What you have told me, what you have done in bringing me here…knowing that, somehow, from that complete arse, I was at the start of this, you managed to salvage something to love is astonishing to me. But…I need it to end here. No more chair. No more pneumonia. No more burning limbs. No more pain and tiredness and waking up every morning already wishing it was over. When we get back, I am still going to go to Switzerland. And if you do love me, Clark, as you say you do, the thing that would make me happier than anything is if you would come with me. So I’m asking you – if you feel the things you say you feel – then do it. Be with me. Give me the end I’m hoping for.”
― Me Before You
“I thought, briefly, that I would never feel as intensely connected to the world, to another human being, as I did at that moment.”
“I placed my face so close to his that his features became indistict, and I began to lose myself in them. I stroked his hair, his skin, his brow, with my fingertips, tears sliding unchecked down my cheeks, my nose against his, and all the time he watched me silently, studying me intently as if he were storing each molecule of me away. He was already retreating withdrawing to somewhere I couldn’t reach him.
I kissed him, trying to bring him back. I kissed him and let my lips rest against his so that our breath mingled and the tears from my eyes became salt on his skin, and I told myself that, somewhere, tiny particles of him would become tiny particles of me, ingested, swallowed, alive perpetual. I wanted to press every bit of me against him. I wanted to will something into him. I wanted to give him every bit of life I felt and force him to life.
I held him, Will Traynor ex-City whiz kid, ex-stunt diver, sportsman, traveller, lover. I held him close and said nothing, all the while telling him silently that he was loved. Oh, but he was loved.”
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