این رمان استادانه نوشته شده است و به مسائل و چالش دوستی های طولانی و اختلاف طبقاتی در نژاد های مختلف می پردازد.این رمان حاصل تجارب دوران کودکی نویسنده است و به مسئله دو نژاد سیاه و سفید در یک کلاس رقص در لندن سال ۱۹۸۲ میلادی میپردازد.
معرفی و دانلود رمان انگلیسی زمان چرخش Swing Time
زیدی اسمیت Zadie Smith
درباره کتاب رمان انگلیسی زمان چرخش نوشته ی زیدی اسمیت:
این رمان استادانه نوشته شده است و به مسائل و چالش دوستی های طولانی و اختلاف طبقاتی در نژاد های مختلف می پردازد.این رمان حاصل تجارب دوران کودکی نویسنده است و به مسئله دو نژاد سیاه و سفید در یک کلاس رقص در لندن سال ۱۹۸۲ میلادی میپردازد. راوی داستان پدری سفید و از طبقه کارگر و مادری اهل کشور جاماییکا دارد. باز هم رفتار و رابطه دو دختر که در این کلاس حضور دارند، مورد توجه نویسنده قرار گرفته است. منتقدان رمان آخر اسمیت را اثری کاملاً اجتماعی توصیف کردند.
توضیحات کتاب رمان انگلیسی زمان چرخش (Swing Time) به انگلیسی:
Swing Time Quotes
Two brown girls dream of being dancers—but only one, Tracey, has talent. The other has ideas: about rhythm and time, about black bodies and black music, about what constitutes a tribe, or makes a person truly free. It’s a close but complicated childhood friendship that ends abruptly in their early twenties, never to be revisited, but never quite forgotten, either
Dazzlingly energetic and deeply human, Swing Time is a story about friendship and music and stubborn roots, about how we are shaped by these things and how we can survive them. Moving from northwest London to West Africa, it is an exuberant dance to the music of time
جملاتی از متن کتاب زمان چرخش (Swing Time ) به انگلیسی:
“She measured time in pages. Half an hour, to her, meant ten pages read, or fourteen, depending on the size of the type, and when you think of time in this way there isn’t time for anything else.”
― Swing Time
“A truth was being revealed to me: that I had always tried to attach myself to the light of other people, that I had never had any light of my own. I experienced myself as a kind of shadow.”
― Swing Time
“People aren’t poor because they make bad choices. They make bad choices because they’re poor.”
― Swing Time
“Sometimes I wonder if people don’t want freedom as much as they want meaning.”
― Swing Time
“What do we want from our mothers when we are children? Complete submission. Oh, it’s very nice and rational and respectable to say that a woman has every right to her life, to her ambitions, to her needs, and so on–it’s what I’ve always demanded myself–but as a child, no, the truth is it’s a war of attrition, rationality doesn’t come into it, not one bit, all you want from your mother is that she once and for all admit that she is your mother and only your mother, and that her battle with the rest of life is over. She has to lay down arms and come to you. And if she doesn’t do it, then it’s really a war, and it was a war between my mother and me. Only as an adult did I come to truly admire her–especially in the last, painful years of her life–for all that she had done to claw some space in this world for herself.”
― Swing Time
“No one is more ingenious than the poor, wherever you find them. When you are poor every stage has to be thought through. Wealth is the opposite. With wealth you get to be thoughtless.” “I”
― Swing Time
“Nostalgia is a luxury.”
― Swing Time
“I often wondered: is it some kind of a trade-off? Do others have to lose so we can win? •”
― Swing Time
“And I became fixated, too, upon Katharine Hepburn’s famous Fred and Ginger theory: He gives her class, she gives him sex. Was this a general rule? Did all friendships—all relations—involve this discreet and mysterious exchange of qualities, this exchange of power?”
― Swing Time
“As a fact it was, in my mind, at one and the same time absolutely true and obviously untrue, and perhaps only children are able to accommodate double-faced facts like these.”
― Swing Time
“I was fourteen: the world was pain.”
― Swing Time
“I remember there was always a girl with a secret, with something furtive and broken in her, and walking through the village with Aimee, entering people’s homes, shaking their hands, accepting their food and drink, being hugged by their children, I often thought I saw her again, this girl who lives everywhere and at all times in history, who is sweeping the yard or pouring out tea or carrying somebody else’s baby on her hip and looking over at you with a secret she can’t tell. It”
― Swing Time
“There are so many different ways to be poor,”
― Swing Time
“But elegance attracted me. I liked the way it hid pain. One”
― Swing Time
“I didn’t understand yet that the beauty was part of the boredom.”
― Swing Time
“We did not desire or dread the boys in themselves, we only desired and dreaded being wanted or not being wanted.”
― Swing Time
“My rage was the only thing keeping me awake, I was feeding off it in that righteous way you can if you never mention out loud the wrong you are being done.”
― Swing Time
“My phone buzzed so frequently it seemed to have an animal life of its own.”
― Swing Time
“We were the first generation to have, in our own homes, the means to re- and forward-wind reality: even very small children could press their fingers against those clunky buttons and see what-has-been become what-is or what-will-be.”
― Swing Time
“But singing isn’t just about belting it out, is it? It’s not just who has the most wobble or the highest note, no, it’s about phrasing, and being delicate, and getting just the right feeling from a song, the soul of it, so that something real happens inside you when a man opens his mouth to sing, and don’t you want to feel something real rather than just having your poor earholes bashed in?”
― Swing Time
“or at least I felt that within the lie there was a deeper truth.”
― Swing Time
“Maybe luxury is the easiest matrix to pass through. Maybe nothing is easier to get used to than money.”
― Swing Time
“Power had preyed on weakness here: all kinds of power—local, racial, tribal, royal, national, global, economic—on all kinds of weakness, stopping at nothing, not even at the smallest girl child. But power does that everywhere. The world is saturated in blood. Every tribe has their blood-soaked legacy: here was mine. I waited for whatever cathartic feeling people hope to experience in such places, but I couldn’t make myself believe the pain of my tribe was uniquely gathered here, in this place, the pain was too obviously everywhere, this just happened to be where they’d placed the monument. I gave up and went in search of Lamin.”
― Swing Time
“Well, you can’t make old friends.”
― Swing Time
“Yes, sometimes it’s the strangers that sustain you.”
― Swing Time
“A peculiar idea. Once you’re alive in this world, you’re responsible.” “For”
― Swing Time
“Sometimes in this life you have to take risks on other people.”
― Swing Time
“Sometimes I wonder if people don’t want freedom as much as they want meaning,”
― Swing Time
“You want to believe there are limits to what money can make happen, lines it can’t cross.”
― Swing Time
“It’s a question of what love gives you the right to do.”
― Swing Time
“But it’s hard, when you’re at a loose end yourself, to be happy for others,”
― Swing Time
“then after a few miles you arrived at a new idea, that wealth and morality are in essence the same thing, for the more money a person had, then the more goodness—or potential for goodness—a person possessed.”
― Swing Time
“she believed in her own good timing, in timing itself, as a mystical force, a form of fate, operating at the global and cosmic level as much as at the personal.”
― Swing Time
“That there might be any practical divergence between my mother’s situation and her own did not seem to occur to Aimee, and this was one of my earliest lessons in her way of viewing the differences between people, which were never structural or economic but always essentially differences of personality.”
― Swing Time
“I couldn’t imagine her leaving this world without ripping its fabric.”
― Swing Time
“she was someone who lived in her own dreamscape, who presumed that everyone around her was at all times feeling exactly as she was.”
― Swing Time
“The fundamental skill of all mothers—the management of time—was beyond her. She measured time in pages.”
― Swing Time
“Deal with the drops when you can see the ocean.” “Another”
― Swing Time
“the feeling I had of moving into somebody else’s broken ambition.”
― Swing Time
“Great care was taken at all times to protect me from reality. They’d met people like me before. They knew how little reality we can take.”
― Swing Time
“I don’t mean that my mother didn’t love me but she was not a domestic person: her life was in her mind. The fundamental skill of all mothers—the management”
― Swing Time
“things that came naturally to females did not impress my mother, not at all. In her view you might as well be proud of breathing or walking or giving birth. Our”
― Swing Time
“Most e-mails sent in the mid-nineties tended to be long and letter-like: they began and ended with traditional greetings—the ones we’d all previously used on paper—and they were keen to describe the surrounding scene, as if the new medium had made of everybody a writer. (“I’m typing this just by the window, looking out to blue-gray sea, where three gulls are diving into the water.”)”
― Swing Time
“What do we want from our mothers when we are children? Complete submission. Oh,”
― Swing Time
“We were to remember that we were beautiful, intelligent, capable, kings and queens, in possession of a history, in possession of a culture, in possession of ourselves, and yet the more she filled the room with this effortful light, the clearer the sense I got of the shape and proportions of the huge shadow that must, after all, hang over us. One”
― Swing Time
“The thing I feared was no longer my parents’ authority over me but that they might haul out into the open their own intimate fears, their melancholy and regrets.”
― Swing Time
“The story was the price you paid for the rhythm.”
― Swing Time
“I don’t remember the song she sang – I never really liked her songs – but standing in the empty concert hall, listening to her sing without backing music, with no support of any kind, I found that the sheer beauty of the voice, it’s monumental dose of soul, the pain implicit within it, bypassed all my conscious opinions, my critical intelligence or sense of the sentimental, or whatever it is that people are referring to when they talk about their own “good taste,” going instead straight into my spine, where it convulsed a muscle and undid me.”
― Swing Time
“I knew my mother was in the process of becoming, or trying to become, “an intellectual,” because my father often threw this term at her as a form of insult during their arguments.”
― Swing Time
“Yet Tracey was steadfast and loyal to his memory, far more likely to defend her absent father than I was to speak kindly of my wholly attentive one.”
― Swing Time
“We knew that they, in their own time, had feared school, just as we did now, feared the arbitrary rules and felt shamed by them, by the new uniforms they couldn’t afford, the baffling obsession with quiet, the incessant correcting of their original patois or cockney, the sense that they could never do anything right anyway. A”
― Swing Time
“as if we were both trying to get on a see-saw at the same time—neither of us pressed too hard and a delicate equilibrium was allowed to persist.”
― Swing Time
“I think I was strange to my mother and to my father, a changeling belonging to neither one of them, and although this is of course true of all children, in the end—we are not our parents and they are not us—my father’s children would have come to this knowledge with a certain slowness, over years…whereas I was born knowing it, I have always known it, it is a truth stamped all over my face”
― Swing Time
“for a great dancer has no time, no generation, he moves eternally through the world, so that any dancer in any age may recognize him.”
― Swing Time
“And so if we want to see real change in this world, she continued, adjusting the incline on her running machine until I, who walked on a neighboring one, seemed to be watching her dash up the side of Kilimanjaro, well, then we ourselves have to be the ones to do it, yes, we have to be the change we want to see. By “we” she meant people like herself, of financial means and global reach, who happen to love freedom and equality, want justice, feel an obligation to do something good with their own good fortune. It was a moral category but also an economic one. And if you followed its logic all the way to the end of the revolving belt, then after a few miles you arrived at a new idea, that wealth and morality are in essence the same thing […]”
― Swing Time
“To her credit, though, Trace didn’t lose her famous temper, not at that moment. At eighteen she was already expert at the older woman’s art of fermenting rage, conserving it, for later use.”
― Swing Time
“I could see what everyone was feeling, but I was not with them and could not feel it. “You”
― Swing Time
“Did all friendships—all relations—involve this discreet and mysterious exchange of qualities, this exchange of power?”
― Swing Time
“The way he understood the world was so genuinely alien to me that it felt as if he occupied a parallel reality, which I didn’t doubt was the real one, but which I couldn’t ‘speak to,’ to use a favorite phrase of his.”
― Swing Time
“And so if we want to see real change in this world, she continued, adjusting the incline on her running machine until I, who walked on a neighboring one, seemed to be watching her dash up the side of Kilimanjaro, well, then we ourselves have to be the ones to do it, yes, we have to be the change we want to see. By “we” she meant people like herself, of financial means and global reach, who happen to love freedom and equality, want justice, feel an obligation to do something good with their own good fortune.”
― Swing Time
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