لگویین از خانوادهای انسانشناس و جامعهشناس میآید و جامعهشناسی علاقهمندی خود او هم هست. او در مصاحبهای چنین گفته که نویسندگان علمیتخیلی سخت، فقط علومی مانند فیزیک و ستارهشناسی را علم به حساب میآورند و انگار جامعهشناسی زیادی برایشان نرم است. ولی حقیقت این است که جامعهشناسی هم یک علم است و گمانهزنی در وادی جامعهشناسی و روابط انسانی هم یکی از زیرگونههای جذاب علمیتخیلی به شمار میرود.
دانلود کتاب The Left Hand of Darkness نوشته Ursula K. Le Guin
معرفی کتاب The Left Hand of Darkness :
بی رنگ داستان کتاب The Left Hand of Darkness :
اورسولا لو گویین ، نویسندهی داستان، تعدادی داستان بلند و کوتاه دارد که در ستینگ مشترکی اتفاق میافتند. آیندهی بسیار دوردستی است که در آن انسانها در سیارههای مختلفی در جای جای کائنات زندگی میکنند، سیارههای شرایط جوی و زیستی مختلفی دارند، اما به هرحال همگی برای زندگی انسان مناسب هستند. آن طور که از داستانها میفهمیم تمام این انسانهای نیای مشترکی دارند که تمدنی بسیار بسیار کهن است که خود را «هاین»[۱] مینامند و همین نژاد انسانها را در سیارههای دیگر پخش کرده. این تمدن کهن هر از گاهی به سیارههای مسکونی سر میزند و در صورتی که انسانهای ساکن آن سیاره به مرحلهای از هوشمندی و تمدن رسیده باشند که آمادگی پذیرفتن حقیقت و برقراری ارتباط با دیگر انسانها را داشته باشند، حقیقت را به آنها میگویند و به این ترتیب آنها عضو جامعهی بزرگتر انسانی میشوند. برای این منظور، ابتدا یک سفیر به آن سیاره فرستاده میشود تا با مقامات بالایی و دانشمندانِ آن سیاره تماس بگیرد و در صورتی که این آمادگی برای پذیرش وجود داشت ا رتباط اصلی برقرار شود. «دست چپ تاریکی» داستانِ یکی از این سفیرها را روایت میکند که به سیارهای فرستاده شده که گِثِن[۲] نام دارد و در زبان محلی به معنای «زمستان» است.
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توضیحات انگلیسی کتاب The Left Hand of Darkness :
A groundbreaking work of science fiction, The Left Hand of Darkness tells the story of a lone human emissary to Winter, an alien world whose inhabitants can choose – and change – their gender. His goal is to facilitate Winter’s inclusion in a growing intergalactic civilization. But to do so he must bridge the gulf between his own views and those of the completely dissimilar culture that he encounters.
Embracing the aspects of psychology, society, and human emotion on an alien world, The Left Hand of Darkness stands as a landmark achievement in the annals of intellectual science fiction.
جملاتی از کتاب The Left Hand of Darkness :
“It is good to have an end to journey toward; but it is the journey that matters, in the end.”
“The only thing that makes life possible is permanent, intolerable uncertainty: not knowing what comes next.”
and darkness the right hand of light.
Two are one, life and death, lying
together like lovers in kemmer,
like hands joined together,
like the end and the way.”
The Left Hand of Darkness از کتاب
“How does one hate a country, or love one? Tibe talks about it; I lack the trick of it. I know people, I know towns, farms, hills and rivers and rocks, I know how the sun at sunset in autumn falls on the side of a certain plowland in the hills; but what is the sense of giving a boundary to all that, of giving it a name and ceasing to love where the name ceases to apply? What is love of one’s country; is it hate of one’s uncountry? Then it’s not a good thing. Is it simply self-love? That’s a good thing, but one mustn’t make a virtue of it, or a profession… Insofar as I love life, I love the hills of the Domain of Estre, but that sort of love does not have a boundary-line of hate. And beyond that, I am ignorant, I hope.”
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“A profound love between two people involves, after all, the power and chance of doing profound hurt.”
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“I talk about the gods, I am an atheist. But I am an artist too, and therefore a liar. Distrust everything I say. I am telling the truth. The only truth I can understand or express is, logically defined, a lie. Psychologically defined, a symbol. Aesthetically defined, a metaphor.”
“It is a terrible thing, this kindess that human beings do not lose. Terrible, because when we are finally naked in the dark and cold, it is all we have. We who are so rich, so full of strength, we end up with that small change. We have nothing else to give. ”
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“I certainly wasn’t happy. Happiness has to do with reason, and only reason earns it. What I was given was the thing you can’t earn, and can’t keep, and often don’t even recognize at the time; I mean joy.”
The Left Hand of Darkness از کتاب
“The artist deals with what cannot be said in words.
The artist whose medium is fiction does this in words. The novelist says in words what cannot be said in words.”
انگلیسی دست چپ تاریکی
The Left Hand of Darkness از کتاب
“For it seemed to me, and I think to him, that it was from that sexual tension between us, admitted now and understood but not assuaged, that the great and sudden assurance of friendship between us rose: a friendship so much needed by us both in our exile, and already so well proved in the days and nights of our better journey, that it might as well be called, now as later, love. But it was from the difference between us, not from the affinities and likenesses, but from the difference, that that love came: and it was itself the bridge, the only bridge, across what divided us. For us to meet sexually would be for us to meet once more as aliens. We had touched, in the only way we could touch. We left it at that. I do not know if we were right.”
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“I’ll make my report as if I told a story, for I was taught as a child on my homeworld that Truth is a matter of the imagination.”
“The unknown,” said Faxe’s soft voice in the forest, “the unforetold, the unproven, that is what life is based on. Ignorance is the ground of thought. Unproof is the ground of action. If it were proven that there is no God there would be no religion. No Handdara, no Yomesh, no hearthgods, nothing. But also if it were proven that there is a God, there would be no religion. … Tell me, Genry, what is known? What is sure, unpredictable, inevitable — the one certain thing you know concerning your future, and mine?”
That we shall die.”
Yes, There’s really only one question that can be answered, Genry, and we already know the answer. … The only thing that makes life possible is permanent, intolerable uncertainty: not knowing what comes next.”
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“To exhibit the perfect uselessness of knowing the answer to the wrong question.”
“But it doesn’t take a thousand men to open a door, my lord.”
“It might to keep it open.”
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To learn which questions are unanswerable, and not to answer them: this skill is most needful in times of stress and darkness.”
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The Left Hand of Darkness از کتاب
“One voice speaking truth is a greater force than fleets and armies…”
“Sanity returns (in most cases) when the book is closed.”
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