کتاب «خانه اسلید» Slade house نوشتهی «دیوید میچل» در سال ۲۰۱۵ منتشر شد. این کتاب روایت خانهای جادویی و وهمانگیز با دری مشکی در کوچه اسلید در خیابان وست وود است.
کتاب خانه اسلید نوشته ی دیوید میچل- Slade House by David Mitchell
دیوید میچل David Mitchell
کتاب «خانه اسلید» Slade house نوشتهی «دیوید میچل» در سال ۲۰۱۵ منتشر شد. این کتاب روایت خانهای جادویی و وهمانگیز با دری مشکی در کوچه اسلید در خیابان وست وود است. در این داستان «نیتان» پسرک باهوش و متفاوت داستان همراه با مادرش خانم بیشاپ به مهمانی خاصی از طرف خانم لیدی گرایر دعوت میشوند. آنها تمام تلاششان را میکنند تا برای این مهمانی شیک و فرهیخته به نظر برسند ولی از همان ابتدا با مسائل عجیبوغریب روبهرو میشوند و حتی تصور هم نمیکنند که دیگر نمیتوانند از آن خانه خارج شوند. آنها پس از گذشتن از در مشکی در کوچه اسلید با حیاطی تودرتو و مملو از گیاهان روبهرو میشوند که پسرکی سیزدهساله بر روی یکی از درختان آنجا نشسته است. حضور این مادر و پسر در این خانه اسرارآمیز و دیدار آنها با سایر اعضای خانواده قصهی این داستان را شکل میدهد.
درباره دیوید میچل:
«دیوید میچل» David Mitchell نویسندهی بریتانیایی در تاریخ ۱۲ ژانویه سال ۱۹۶۹ در ساوتپورت به دنیا آمد. او تحصیلاتش را در رشتهی ادبیات انگلیسی و تطبیقی دانشگاه کنت به سرانجام رساند و پس از آن به مدت هشت سال به هیروشیما رفت و در آنجا به تدریس زبان انگلیسی مشغول شد. او اولین کتابش با نام «شبح نوشته» Ghostwritten را در سال ۱۹۹۹ منتشر کرد که جایزهی بهترین کتاب از نویسندهی زیر سیوپنج سال را برای آن دریافت کرد. او پس از این اثر نوشتن را بهطورجدی دنبال کرد و تاکنون بیش از هفت رمان و ده مجموعه داستان کوتاه منتشر کرده است. «میچل» نویسندهی برجسته و مشهوری است، او در سال ۲۰۰۳ از سوی مجلهی بریتانیایی گرانتا Granta به عنوان یکی از نویسندگان محبوب جوان شناخته شد.
«دیوید میچل» در طی سالهای اخیر موفق به دریافت چندین جایزهی معتبر جهانی نیز شده است؛ او برای کتاب «رؤیای شماره ۹» number9dream در سال ۲۰۰۱ و کتاب «اطلس ابر» Cloud Atlas در سال ۲۰۰۴ موفق به دریافت جایزهی من بوکر Booker Prize شد. The Wachowskis «واچوفسکیها» کارگردان آمریکایی براساس کتاب «اطلس ابر» از این نویسنده فیلم سینمایی علمی تخیلی موفقی ساخت که نخستین بار در طی جشنواره بینالمللی فیلم تورنتو ۲۰۱۲ اکران شد.
معرفی کتاب های جدید در پیج اینستاگرام بیبلیوفایل
نکوداشت های کتاب خانه اسلید (Slade House)
جملات و بخش هایی از کتاب خانه اسلید (Slade House by David Mitchell)
توضیحات انگلیسی کتاب خانه اسلید:
Keep your eyes peeled for a small black iron door
Down the road from a working-class British pub, along the brick wall of a narrow alley, if the conditions are exactly right, you’ll find the entrance to Slade House. A stranger will greet you by name and invite you inside. At first, you won’t want to leave. Later, you’ll find that you can’t. Every nine years, the house’s residents — an odd brother and sister — extend a unique invitation to someone who’s different or lonely: a precocious teenager, a recently divorced policeman, a shy college student. But what really goes on inside Slade House? For those who find out, it’s already too late…
Spanning five decades, from the last days of the 1970s to the present, leaping genres, and barreling toward an astonishing conclusion, this intricately woven novel will pull you into a reality-warping new vision of the haunted house story—as only David Mitchell could imagine it
قسمت هایی از کتاب خانه اسلید نوشته دیوید میچل:
Slade House Quotes
“People are masks, with masks under those masks, and masks under those, and down you go.”
“Grief is an amputation, but hope is incurable haemophilia: you bleed and bleed and bleed. Like Schrödinger’s cat inside a box you can never ever open.”
Slade House by David Mitchell
“Mrs. Todds my English teacher gives an automatic F if anyone ever writes “I woke up and it was all a dream” at the end of a story. She says it violates the deal between reader and writer, that it’s a cop-out, it’s the Boy Who Cried Wolf. But every single morning we really do wake up and it really was all a dream.”
“Truth has this habit of changing after the fact, don’t you find?”
Slade House by David Mitchell
“Time needs time to be measurable.”
“If you don’t fit into the system, the system makes life hell.”
Slade House by David Mitchell
“Bitch’ is a stingless insult these days—it hurts like, I don’t know, a celery-stabbing.”
“Do you ever think you might be a different species of human, knitted out of raw DNA in a laboratory like in The Island of Doctor Moreau, and then turned loose to see if you can pass yourself off as normal or not?”
Slade House by David Mitchell
“Coffee’s the elixir of life.”
“Finally, I’ve reached the grandfather clock. Its face has no hands, only the words TIME IS, TIME WAS, TIME IS NOT. Highly metaphysical; deeply useless.”
Slade House by David Mitchell
“Tonight feels like a board game co-designed by M. C. Escher on a bender and Stephen King in a fever.”
― Slade House
“I’m not in the Scouts any more,’ I remind her. Mr Moody our scoutmaster told me to get lost, so I did, and it took the Snowdonia mountain rescue service two days to find my shelter.”
Slade House by David Mitchell
“What do you do when you’re visiting someone’s house and their garden starts vanishing?”
“A sprinkle of last-minute despair gives a soul an agreeably earthy aftertaste.”
“True, I only properly started talking with Todd half an hour ago, but every instance of undying love was only half an hour young, once upon a time.”
Slade House by David Mitchell
“No one’s ever very sure if doves and pigeons are the same bird or not.”
“we’ll never give up, never stop looking. Always I wonder. Sometimes I envy the weeping parents of the definitely dead you see on TV. Grief is an amputation, but hope is incurable hemophilia: you bleed and bleed and bleed.”
Slade House by David Mitchell
“When you die, your soul crosses the Dusk between life and the Blank Sea. The journey takes forty-nine days,”
“The only explanation is that my senses, memory, and mind are conspiring against my well-being, and nothing’s scarier than that.”
“People are masks, with masks under those masks, and masks under those, and down you”
“But the idea that you can no longer trust your mind, that’s just about the most frightening thing there is. When you mess around with proportion or symmetry, or when doubt is injected into your perception of the laws of physics, your mind ceases to be a refuge. Your mind is no longer a safe house.”
“It’s cold and clammy in the alley like White Scar Cave in the Yorkshire Dales. Dad took me when I was ten. I find a dead cat lying on the ground at the first corner. It’s gray like dust on the moon. I know it’s dead because it’s as still as a dropped bag, and because big flies are drinking from its eyes. How did it die? There’s no bullet wound or fang marks, though its head’s at a slumped angle so maybe it was strangled by a cat-strangler. It goes straight into the Top Five of the Most Beautiful Things I’ve Ever Seen. Maybe there’s a tribe in Papua New Guinea who think the droning of flies is music. Maybe I’d fit in with them. “Come along, Nathan.” Mum’s tugging my sleeve.”
“A dragonfly settles on a bulrush an inch from my nose. Its wings are like cellophane and Jonah says, “Its wings are like cellophane,” and I say, “I was just thinking that,” but Jonah says, “Just thinking what?” so maybe I just thought he’d said it. Valium rubs out speech marks and pops thought-bubbles. I’ve noticed it before.”
“Places change you, Miss Timms, and deserts change us pale northerners so much, our own mothers wouldn’t recognize us.”
“Her professional conscience is a collar. I hold the leash.”
Slade House by David Mitchell
“The mind is its own place, and in itself can make a heaven of hell, a hell of heaven”
“Grief’s a bastard, it really is—pardon my French. It makes everything else harder.”
“When I’m in doubt – as I am now – I ask myself, ‘What would Carl Jung do?’ – and act accordingly.”
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