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کتاب رمان انگلیسی دریای پهناور ساراگوسا اثر جین ریس | Wide Sargasso Sea

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رمان انگلیسی گردابی چنین حایل «دریای پهناور ساراگوسا» Wide Sargasso Sea داستانی عاشقانه و تاریخی است که در سال ۱۹۶۶ توسط جین ریس Jean Rhys نویسنده ی بریتانیایی نوشته شده است.

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Wide Sargasso Sea

نام فارسی کتاب:

دریای پهناور ساراگوسا (گردابی چنین هایل )


جین ریس

Jean Rhys

کتاب رمان انگلیسی دریای پهناور ساراگوسا Wide Sargasso Sea


معرفی کتاب رمان انگلیسی دریای پهناور ساراگوسا ( گردابی چنین هایل )اثر جین ریس:

گردابی چنین حایل با نام اصلی «دریای پهناور ساراگوسا» رمانی است که در سال ۱۹۶۶ توسط جین ریس نویسنده ی بریتانیایی نوشته شده است. این اثر پاسخی فمنیستی و ضد استعمارگرایی به رمان جین ایر نوشته ی شارلوت برونته است که به پیش زمینه ی ازدواج اقای روچستر از نگاه همسر دیوانه اش آنتوانت کازوی می پردازد. انتوانت کازوی نسخه ی جین ریس از شخصیت شیطانی «زن دیوانه در شیروانی» برونته است. داستان آنتوانت از دوران جوانی اش در جاماییکا شروع می شود با ازدواج ناخوشایندش با نجیب زاده ای انگلیسی ادامه می یابد کسی که اسم او را به برتا تغییر می دهد او را دیوانه اعلام می کند و با خود به انگلستان می برد.آنتوانت در جامعه ای مرد سالار، جایی که او را نه اروپایی می دانند و نه جامائیکایی، گرفتار می شود. گردابی چنین هایل قدرت روابط بین زن و مرد را مورد بررسی قرار داده و مضامین پسااستعماری مانند نژادپرستی ، جابجایی و ادغام را توسعه می دهد. ریس بعد از مدتی دوری از فضای ادبیات با این رمان مجددا به صحنه ی اصلی ادبیات بازگشت. گردابی چنین هایل شاهکاری در داستان نویسی مدرن است و نام جین ریس را مجددا در فضای ادبیات بر سر زبان ها انداخت.
گردابی چنین هایل سه بخش و دو راوی شخصیت دارد و با ضرباهنگی تند تماماً در زمان گذشته و به صورت خطی روایت می شود. راوی بخش اول آنتوانت، شخصیت اصلی داستان است. بخش دوم به طور مشترک توسط شوهر بدون اسم آنتوانت و خود او روایت می شود و راوی بخش سوم بار دیگر آنتوانت است. روایت داستان که از جمله نقاط قوت آن است ساختاری بسیار فشرده و زبانی بسیار صریح و روشن دارد.

زمان شروع داستان دهه ی سی قرن نوزده و سال های بلافاصله پس از لغو برده داری در قلمرو های تحت سلطه ی انگلستان از جمله محل داستان است. کتاب آغاز محکم و جالبی دارد که خواننده را برای ورود به اثری پر تنش آماده می کند:«می گویند وقتی دردسر از راه می رسد صف ها را فشرده تر کنید، لاجرم سفید پوستان هم چنین کردند. اما، ما در صف آنها نبودیم. خانم های جامائیکائی هرگز مادر مرا قبول نداشتند، به قول کریستوفین چون اون خوشگل بود و فقط خودشو دوست داشت.»

در شروع کتاب آنتوانت به اتفاق مادر زیبارو و گوشه گیرش، آنت، برادر کوچکتر معلولش و چند مستخدم بومی سیاه پوست که جالب ترینشان کریستوفین، دایه ی آنتوانت است، در وضعیتی نابسامان و فقیرانه در ملک اربابی خانوادگی در جامائیکا زندگی می کنند. پدر آنتوانت چند سال پیش از دنیا رفته و آنت همسر دوم او بوده است. آنت اهل یکی از جزایر فرانسوی زبان کارائیب است و علت پذیرفته نشدنش توسط خانم های سفید پوست جامائیکاییِ انگلیسی زبان، تفاوت زبان و فرهنگ آنهاست.

کتاب رمان انگلیسی دریای پهناور ساراگوسا Wide Sargasso Sea

Wide Sargasso Sea by Jean Rhys

Wide Sargasso Sea, a masterpiece of modern fiction, was Jean Rhys’s return to the literary center stage. She had a startling early career and was known for her extraordinary prose and haunting women characters. With Wide Sargasso Sea, her last and best-selling novel, she ingeniously brings into light one of fiction’s most fascinating characters: the madwoman in the attic from Charlotte Brontë’s Jane Eyre. This mesmerizing work introduces us to Antoinette Cosway, a sensual and protected young woman who is sold into marriage to the prideful Mr. Rochester. Rhys portrays Cosway amidst a society so driven by hatred, so skewed in its sexual relations, that it can literally drive a woman out of her mind.

A new introduction by the award-winning Edwidge Danticat, author most recently of Claire of the Sea Light, expresses the enduring importance of this work. Drawing on her own Caribbean background, she illuminates the setting’s impact on Rhys and her astonishing work.

کتاب رمان انگلیسی دریای پهناور ساراگوسا Wide Sargasso Sea

Wide Sargasso Sea Quotes

“You can pretend for a long time, but one day it all falls away and you are alone. We are alone in the most beautiful place in the world…”

“There are always two deaths, the real one and the one people know about.”

“I hated the mountains and the hills, the rivers and the rain. I hated the sunsets of whatever colour, I hated its beauty and its magic and the secret I would never know. I hated its indifference and the cruelty which was part of its loveliness. Above all I hated her. For she belonged to the magic and the loveliness. She had left me thirsty and all my life would be thirst and longing for what I had lost before I found it.”

“Blot out the moon,
Pull down the stars.
Love in the dark, for we’re for the dark
So soon, so soon.”
― Jean Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea

“If I was bound for hell, let it be hell. No more false heavens. No more damned magic. You hate me and I hate you. We’ll see who hates best. But first, first I will destroy your hatred. Now. My hate is colder, stronger, and you’ll have no hate to warm yourself. You will have nothing.”

“And what does anyone know about traitors, or why Judas did what he did?”

“Justice. I’ve heard that word. I tried it out. I wrote it down. I wrote it down several times and always it looked like a damn cold lie to me. There is no justice.”

“Have all beautiful things sad destinies?”
― Jean Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea

“There is always another side, always.”

“I watched her die many times. In my way, not in hers. In sunlight, in shadow, by moonlight, by candlelight. In the long afternoons when the house was empty. Only the sun was there to keep us company. We shut him out. And why not? Very soon she was as eager for what’s called loving as I was – more lost and drowned afterwards.”

“As soon as I turned the key I saw it hanging, the color of fire and sunset. the colour of flamboyant flowers. ‘If you are buried under a flamboyant tree, ‘ I said, ‘your soul is lifted up when it flowers. Everyone wants that.’

She shook her head but she did not move or touch me.”

“Your red dress,’ she said, and laughed.

But I looked at the dress on the floor and it was as if the fire had spread across the room. It was beautiful and it reminded me of something I must do. I will remember I thought. I will remember quite soon now.”
― Jean Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea

“If I was bound for hell, let it be hell. No more false heavens. No more damned magic.”

“I have been too unhappy, I thought, it cannot last, being so unhappy, it would kill you”

“I sit at my window and the words fly past me like birds — with God’s help I catch some.”

“They say when trouble comes close ranks, and so the white people did.”
― Jean Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea

“If she says goodbye perhaps adieu. Adieu – like those old time songs she sang. Always adieu (and all songs say it). If she too says it, or weeps, I’ll take her in my arms, my lunatic. She’s mad but mine, mine. What will I care for gods or devils or for Fate itself. If she smiles or weeps or both. For me.”

“I thought if I told no one it might not be true.”

“She’ll have no lover, for I don’t want her and she’ll see no other.”

“I have tried,” I said, “but he does not believe me. It is too late for that now” (it is always too late for truth, I thought).”
― Jean Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea

“It is the tragedy of a distinguished mind and a generous nature that have gone unappreciated in a conventional, unimaginative world. A victim of men’s incomprehension of women, a symptom of women’s mistrust of men.”

“What I see is nothing – I want what it hides – that is not nothing.”

“Now at last I know why I was brought here and what I have to do.”

“The house was burning, the yellow-red sky was like the sunset…Nothing would be left, the golden ferns and the silver ferns, the orchids, the ginger lilies and the roses…When they had finished, there would be nothing left but blackened walls and the mounting stone. That was always left. That could not be stolen or burned.”
― Jean Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea

“Why did you make me want to live? Why did you do that to me?’
‘Because I wished it. Isn’t that enough?’
‘Yes, it is enough. But if one day you didn’t wish it. What should I do then? Suppose you took this happiness away when I wasn’t looking …’
‘And lose my own? Who’d be so foolish?’
‘I am not used to happiness,’ she said. ‘It makes me afraid.’
‘Never be afraid. Or if you are tell no one.’
‘I understand. But trying does not help me.’
‘What would?’
She did not answer that, then one night whispered, ‘If I could die. Now, when I am happy. Would you do that? You wouldn’t have to kill me. Say die and I will die. You don’t believe me? Then try, try, say die and watch me die.”

“When I was out on the battlements it was cool and I could hardly hear them. I sat there quietly. I don’t know how long I sat. Then I turned round and saw the sky. It was red and all my life was in it.”

“I took the red dress down and put it against myself. ‘Does it make me look intemperate and unchaste?’ I said.”

“It was a beautiful place – wild, untouched, above all untouched, with an alien, disturbing, secret loveliness. And it kept its secret. I’d fins myself thinking, ‘What I see is nothing – I want what it hides – that is not nothing’.”
― Jean Rhys, Wide Sargasso Sea


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کتاب رمان انگلیسی دریای پهناور ساراگوسا Wide Sargasso Sea
کتاب رمان انگلیسی دریای پهناور ساراگوسا اثر جین ریس | Wide Sargasso Sea

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