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دانلود کتاب رمان انگلیسی ۱۰ دقیقه و ۳۸ ثانیه در این دنیای عجیب

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۲۰,۰۰۰ تومان
رمان ۱۰ دقیقه و ۳۸ ثانیه در این دنیای عجیب، (به انگلیسی:10Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World) داستانی روانشناختی نوشته ی الیف شافاک Elif Shafak است که نخستین بار در سال ۲۰۱۹ به چاپ رسید.

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 ۱۰ Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World

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On Dakika Otuz Sekiz Saniye

نام فارسی کتاب:

۱۰ دقیقه و ۳۸ ثانیه در این دنیای عجیب


الیف شافاک

Elif Shafak


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معرفی و دانلود کتاب 10 دقیقه و 38 ثانیه در این دنیای عجیب

درباره کتاب ۱۰ دقیقه و ۳۸ ثانیه در این دنیای عجیب نوشته الیف شافاک :

کتاب ۱۰ دقیقه و ۳۸ ثانیه در این دنیای عجیب، رمانی نوشته ی الیف شافاک است که نخستین بار در سال ۲۰۱۹ به چاپ رسید. الیف شافاک، رمان نویس پرفروشی است که بیشتر به خاطر داستان هایش درباره ی شخصیت های زن قدرتمند، مهاجرین و اقلیت ها شناخته می شود. او در این رمان هم از این مسیر فاصله نمی گیرد و داستان زنی به نام لی لا را روایت می کند. لی لا، که «تکیلا لی لا» صدایش می کنند، فاحشه ای در استانبول است که در آغاز داستان، کشته می شود و بدنش سر از یک زباله دانی در می آورد. پس از مرگ فیزیکی، مغز لی لا به مدت ۱۰ دقیقه و ۳۸ ثانیه فعال باقی می ماند و در این زمان کوتاه، خاطرات مهم او در ذهنش مرور می شوند؛ و مهم ترین این خاطرات، داستان پنج دوست نزدیک لی لا است که او در مقاطع سرنوشت ساز زندگی اش با آن ها آشنا شده بود.

نکوداشت های کتاب ۱۰ دقیقه و ۳۸ ثانیه در این دنیای عجیب

By one of the most important writers at work today.
اثری نوشته ی یکی از مهم ترین نویسندگان فعال در عصر حاضر.

An intensely powerful novel.
رمانی به شدت قدرتمند.

Haunting, moving, beautifully written.
به یاد ماندنی، تکان دهنده، و با نثری زیبا.


معرفی و دانلود کتاب 10 دقیقه و 38 ثانیه در این دنیای عجیب

قسمت هایی از کتاب ۱۰ دقیقه و ۳۸ ثانیه در این دنیای عجیب

نامش «لی لا» بود. دوستان و مشتری هایش او را به نام «تکیلا لی لا» می شناختند. در خانه و محل کار هم او را «تکیلا لی لا» صدا می کردند، در آن خانه ی قهوه ای رنگ، واقع در بن بست سنگفرش کنار اسکله که بین کلیسا و کنیسه در میان مغازه های لوسترفروشی و کبابی قرار داشت، خیابانی که میزبان بزرگ ترین روسپی خانه های مجاز در استانبول بود. اما اگر می شنید که آن را این طور توصیف می کنی، دلخور می شد و از روی شوخی لنگه کفشی به سویت پرتاب می کرد، یکی از همان کفش های پاشنه بلند و تیزش را.

اصرار به زمان حال داشت، با اینکه حالا با احساسی نومیدانه فهمیده بود که قلبش از تپش بازایستاده و نفسش ناگهان قطع شده و هر طور که به وضعیتش می نگریست، نمی توانست انکار کند که مرده است. هیچ یک از دوستانش هنوز این مسئله را نمی دانستند. صبح به این زودی غرق خواب بودند و هرکدامشان سعی می کردند از هزارتوی رویاهایشان راه فراری به بیرون پیدا کنند.

چیزهای زیادی بود که دلش می خواست بداند. در ذهنش، یکسره واپسین لحظات عمرش را مرور می کرد و از خود می پرسید کجای کار اشتباه کرده است؛ کار بیهوده ای بود، چون رشته ی زمان باز نمی شد، گویی کلافی سردرگم بود. با اینکه سلول هایش هنوز پرجنب وجوش بودند، پوستش تقریبا سفید شده بود. متوجه شد که در اندام و اعضای بدنش اتفاقی در شرف وقوع است. مردم همیشه فرض می کردند که یک جسد بیش از یک درخت قطع شده یا یک کنده ی پوک، جان ندارد و عاری از هشیاری است. اما اگر نیم شانسی در اختیار او گذاشته می شد، لی لا می توانست شهادت دهد که برعکس، یک جسد سرشار از حیات است.


معرفی و دانلود کتاب 10 دقیقه و 38 ثانیه در این دنیای عجیب

۱۰ Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World by Elif Shafak

 ۱An intensely powerful new novel from the best-selling author of The Bastard of Istanbul and Honour

‘In the first minute following her death, Tequila Leila’s consciousness began to ebb, slowly and steadily, like a tide receding from the shore. Her brain cells, having run out of blood, were now completely deprived of oxygen. But they did not shut down. Not right away…’

For Leila, each minute after her death brings a sensuous memory: the taste of spiced goat stew, sacrificed by her father to celebrate the long-awaited birth of a son; the sight of bubbling vats of lemon and sugar which the women use to wax their legs while the men attend mosque; the scent of cardamom coffee that Leila shares with a handsome student in the brothel where she works. Each memory, too, recalls the friends she made at each key moment in her life – friends who are now desperately trying to find her. . .

۱۰ Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World Quotes

“Grief is a swallow,’ he said. ‘One day you wake up and you think it’s gone, but it’s only migrated to some other place, warming its feathers. Sooner or later, it will return and perch in your heart again.”

“Little did she yet understand that the end of childhood comes not when a child’s body changes with puberty, but when her mind is finally able to see her life through the eyes of an outsider.”
― Elif Shafak, ۱۰ Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World

“Just because you think it’s safe here, it doesn’t mean this is the right place for you, her heart countered. Sometimes where you feel most safe is where you least belong.”

“We must do what we can to mend our lives, we owe that to ourselves – but we need to be careful not to break others while achieving that.”


“If there was a God up there, He must be laughing His head off at a human race capable of making atomic bombs and building artificial intelligence, but still uncomfortable with their own mortality and unable to sort out what to do with their dead. How pathetic it was to try to relegate death to the periphery of life when death was at the centre of everything.”

“She was a foreigner and, like all foreigners, she carried with her the shadow of an elsewhere.”
― Elif Shafak, ۱۰ Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World

“Nalan thought that one of the endless tragedies of human history was that pessimists were better at surviving than optimists, which mean that, logically speaking, humanity carried the genes of people who did not believe in humanity.”

“What was love if it wasn’t nursing someone else’s pain as if it were your own?”

“Funerals are for the living,”

“The possibility of an immediate and wholesale decimation of civilisation was not half as frightening as the simple realisation that our individual passing had no impact on the order of things, and life would go on just the same with or without us.”
― Elif Shafak, ۱۰ Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World

“Perhaps nothing was worth worrying about in a city where everything was constantly shifting and dissolving, and the only thing they could ever rely on was this moment in time, which was already half gone.”

“Her mother had once told her that childhood was a big, blue wave that lifted you up, carried you forth and, just when you thought it would last forever, vanished from sight. You could neither run after it nor bring it back. But the wave, before it disappeared, left a gift behind – a conch shell on the shore. Inside the seashell were stored all the sounds of childhood.”

“Never be ashamed of your tears. Cry and everyone knows you’re alive.”

“How could meditation help you to quieten your mind when you needed to quieten your mind in order to meditate?”
― Elif Shafak, ۱۰ Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World

“She had never told her friends this, not in so many words, but they were her safety net. Every time she stumbled or keeled over, they were there for her, supporting her or softening the impact of the fall. On nights when she was mistreated by a client, she would still find the strength to hold herself up, knowing that her friends, with their very presence, would come with ointment for her scrapes and bruises; and on days when she wallowed in self-pity, her chest cracking open, they would gently pull her up and breathe life into her lungs.”

“within every sane mind there was a trace of insanity, and within the depths of madness glimmered a seed of lucidity.”

“Noatalgia Nalan believed there were two families in this world:relatives formed blood family;and friends,the water family.If your blood family happened to be nice and caring,you could count your lucky stars and make the most of it; and if not,there was still hope; things could take a turn for the better once you are old enough to leave your home sour home.
As for the water family, this was formed much later in life and was,to a large extent,of your own making. While it was true that nothing could take the place of a loving, happy blood family, in the absence of one, a good water family could wash away the hurt and pain collected inside like black soot.It is therefore possible for your friends to have a treasured place in your heart, and occupy a bigger space than all your kin combined.But those who had never experienced what it felt like to be spurned by their own relatives would not understand this truth in a million years.They would never know that there were times when water ran thicker than blood.”

“The world is no longer the same for the one who has fallen in love, the one who is at its very centre; it can only spin faster from now on.”
― Elif Shafak, ۱۰ Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World

“Grief is a swallow,” he said. “One day you wake up and you think it’s gone, but it’s only migrated to some other place, warming its feathers. Sooner or later, it will return and perch in your heart again.”

“Getting through life as unscathed as possible depended to a large extent on two fundamental principles: knowing the right time to arrive and knowing the right time to leave.”

“As far as she was concerned, the apocalypse was not the worst thing that could happen. The possibility of an immediate and wholesale decimation of civilization was not half as frightening as the simple realization that our individual passing had no impact on the order of things, and life would go on just the same with or without us. Now that, she had always thought, was terrifying.”

“She liked fuchsia better – a colour with personality.”
― Elif Shafak, ۱۰ Minutes 38 Seconds in this Strange World

“There’s something about love that resembles faith. It’s kind of a blind trust, isn’t it? The sweetest euphoria. The magic of connecting with a being beyond our limited, familiar selves. But if we get carried away by love- or by faith- it turns into a dogma, a fixation. The sweetness becomes sour. We suffer in the hands of gods that we ourselves created.”

“No one can survive alone – except the Almighty God. And remember, in the desert of life, the fool travels alone and the wise by caravan.”

“she believed that everyone had a right to a certain share of dignity. And inside your dignity, as if it were a patch of soil that belonged to no one else, you would sow a seed of hope. A tiny germ that one day, somehow, might sprout and blossom.”

“But human memory resembles a late-night reveller who has had a few too many drinks: hard as it tries, it just cannot follow a straight line. It staggers through a maze of inversions, often moving in dizzying zigzags, immune to reason and liable to collapse altogether.”
― Elif Shafak, ۱۰ Minutes 38 Seconds in This Strange World

“Human beings resemble peregrine falcons: they had the power and the ability to soar up to the skies, free and ethereal and unrestrained, but sometimes they would also, either under duress or of their own free will, accept captivity…She had also observed how a hood would be put on these noble raptors to make sure they would not panic. Seeing was knowing, and knowing was frightening…But underneath that hood where there were no directions, and the sky and the land melted into a swathe of black linen, though comforted, the falcon would still feel nervous, as if in preparation for a blow that could come at any moment. Years later now, it seemed to her that religion – and power and money and ideology and politics – acted like a hood too. All these superstitions and predictions and beliefs deprived human beings of sight, keeping them under control, but deep within weakening their self-esteem to such a point that they now feared anything, everything.”

“It seemed to Leila that human beings exhibited a profound impatience with the milestones of their existence. For one thing, they assumed that you automatically became a wife or a husband the moment you said, ‘I do!’ But the truth was, it took years to learn how to be married. Similarly, society expected maternal – or paternal – instincts to kick in as soon as one had a child. In fact, it could take quite a while to figure out how to be a parent – or a grandparent, for that matter. Ditto with retirement and old age.”

“Kader ’, people called it – ‘destiny’ – and said no more, because people always gave simple names to the complex things that frightened them.”

“A hushed concentration permeated his movements, and his eyes watched her intently, oblivious to everything else, as though she was, and had always been, the centre of the world.”
― Elif Shafak, ۱۰ Minutes 38 Seconds in this Strange World


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معرفی و دانلود کتاب 10 دقیقه و 38 ثانیه در این دنیای عجیب
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۲۰,۰۰۰ تومان