گاهی دروغهای کوچک مرگبار است. «دروغهای کوچکِ بزرگ» قصه کسانی را روایت میکند که به دلیل ترس از آبرو، اسرار زندگیشان را به هیچکس حتی دوستان و نزدیکان خود بیان نمیکنند. قتلی رخ میدهد که والدین همه دانشآموزان یک مدرسه را تحت تأثیر قرار میدهد. «جین» یکی از مادرهای مدرسه است. او قربانی اشتباه و رفتار مردی شده است که سالها بر زندگی او سایه انداخته است و از نظر مخاطب اولین متهم قتل به حساب میآید اما این همه ماجرا نیست.
معرفی و دانلود نسخه انگلیسی کتاب دروغ های کوچک بزرگ
Big Little Lies
لیان موریارتی
Liane Moriarty
درباره کتاب دروغهای کوچک بزرگ نوشته لیان موریارتی:
گاهی دروغهای کوچک مرگبار است. «دروغهای کوچکِ بزرگ» قصه کسانی را روایت میکند که به دلیل ترس از آبرو، اسرار زندگیشان را به هیچکس حتی دوستان و نزدیکان خود بیان نمیکنند. قتلی رخ میدهد که والدین همه دانشآموزان یک مدرسه را تحت تأثیر قرار میدهد. «جین» یکی از مادرهای مدرسه است. او قربانی اشتباه و رفتار مردی شده است که سالها بر زندگی او سایه انداخته است و از نظر مخاطب اولین متهم قتل به حساب میآید اما این همه ماجرا نیست. مخاطب بیشتر از اینکه به فکر قاتل باشد دوست دارد بداند چه کسی به قتل رسیده است. داستان «لیان موریارتی» شما را تا آخرین صفحه میکشاند تا پاسخ سؤال خود را بیابید. لیان موریارتی در این کتاب دکتر جکیل و آقای هاید دیگری خلق میکند. او نشان میدهد گاهی انجام کار غلط بهتر است.
لیان موریارتی در کتاب دروغهای کوچک بزرگ، روایتگر زندگی افرادیست که به خاطر حفظ آبرو، رازهای زندگیشان را از اطرافیان خود پنهان میکنند. این کتاب به عنوان یکی از پر فروشترین آثار نیویورک تایمز، در واقع داستان زنانی را به تصویر میکشد که با وجود تجربه کردن خشونت همچنان لبخند بر لبان خود دارند.
کتاب دروغهای کوچک بزرگ (Big little lies) زندگی سه زن را روایت میکند که هر کدام داستان زندگی خود را دارند و بر سر دوراهی سخت و پر چالشی گیر کردهاند: دروغ بگویند و لبخند بزنند یا با حقایق تلخ روبهرو شوند و قدمی بردارند؟
معرفی کتاب های جدید در پیج اینستاگرام بیبلیوفایل
موضوع اصلی کتاب دروغهای کوچک بزرگ چیست؟
داستان اصلی این کتاب در رابطه با حادثهی وحشتناکی است که در شب جشن جمع آوری اعانهی مدرسه اتفاق میافتد. اما لیان موریارتی (Liane Moriarty) برای کشف دلیلی که سبب این اتفاق شد، شما را همراه خود به چندین ماه قبل از جشن میبرد و با زندگی سه شخصیت اصلی داستان که همگی زن هستند همراه میکند. سه فردی که هر کدام با مشکلات متفاوتی دست و پنجه نرم میکنند.
این کتاب با بیانی ساده و نگاهی عمیق به معضل خشونت خانگی میپردازد و قطعاً جزو رمانهایی است که شما را تا پاسی از شب بیدار نگه خواهد داشت. شخصیتهای این رمان زنانی حقیقی هستند، بانوانی که شاید هر روز با آنها روبهرو میشوید و به زندگی آرام و زیبایشان غبطه میخورید. ولی باید بدانید که هر فرد دردها و رنجهای خود را دارد.
اگر به درستی دقت کنید خواهید دید که عکس روی جلد رمان دروغهای کوچک بزرگ تصویر یک آب نبات بزرگ در هم شکسته است. این تصویر کنایهای از زندگی شخصیتهای این رمان است که در نگاه اول زندگی شیرین دارند. اما این تنها ظاهر زندگی آنهاست. زندگی که در بطن خود متلاشی است.
رمان دروغهای کوچک بزرگ در حقیقت تلنگری است در مورد دروغهایی که ما برای بقاء به یکدیگر میگوییم. اما مسئله این است: برای حفظ آبرو تا کجا میتوان دروغ گفت؟ اصلاً اهمیت کدام بیشتر است؟ آبرویتان یا سلامت روح و جسمتان؟
بر اساس این کتاب سریالی نیز با بازیگری نیکول کیدمن، شیلین وودلی و ریس ویترسپون تولید شده که جوایز بسیاری را دریافت کرده و به شدت مورد توجه منتقدین قرار گرفته است. همچنین این رمان موفق به دریافت جایزهی Davitt برای بهترین رمان بزرگسالان شده است. سایت گودریدز نیز در سال ۲۰۱۴ این رمان را نامزد دریافت عنوان بهترین رمان کرد.
لیان موریارتی را بیشتر بشناسیم:
لیان موریارتی در سال ۱۹۶۶ در استرالیا دیده به جهان گشود. او از کودکی شیفتهی نوشتن بود و توانست در بزرگ سالی به این آرزو برسد. کتاب حاضر در سال ۲۰۱۴ پرفروشترین کتاب نیویورک تایمز شد و شهرت زیادی برای موریارتی به ارمغان آورد.
از جمله دیگر آثار او میتوان به رمانهای سه آرزو، آنچه آلیس از یاد برد، و راز شوهر اشاره کرد که در لیست پر فروشترین آثار نیویورک تایمز و سایت آمازون قرار گرفته است.
برخی نظرات دربارهی کتاب دروغهای کوچک و بزرگ:
– لیان موریاتی در این کتاب دکتر جکیل و آقای هاید دیگری خلق میکند. او نشان میدهد گاهی انجام کار غلط بهتر است. (نیویورک تایمز)
– این کتاب چنان جذاب است که نمیتوانید آن را زمین بگذارید. چه نویسنده خوبی: باهوش، دانا، و پر از شگفتی. (آن لاموت)
– بامزه و هیجان انگیز، پیشگامانه و در عین حال با ژرفای عاطفی. (Booklist)
– بسیار توصیه میشود. (Library Journal)
– با لطافت طبع، هوش و نگاهی تیزبینانه به سرشت بشر. (Kirkus Reviews)
در بخشهایی از کتاب دروغهای کوچک بزرگ میخوانیم:
وقتی جین به مدرسه برگشت تا زیگی را سوار کند، کلهاش گرم نبود. حداکثر سه قلپ از آن خورده بود.
ولی احساس خوشحالی عجیبی میکرد. به نظر میرسید اتفاقات آن روز چیز ویژهای در خود داشتند. از خارج شدن چوب پنبه سر بطری گرفته تا شیطنت ناشی از خوردن آن، کل آن صبح غیرمنتظره، لیوانهای ظریف و زیبا و بلندی که نور آفتاب را منعکس میکردند، قهوهچی با ظاهری شبیه مردمان ساحلی که سه کیک فنجانی کوچک فوق العاده همراه با شمع برای آنها آورده بود، بوی اقیانوس و این تفکر که ممکن بود با این دو زنی دوست شود که با تمام دوستان قبلیاش متفاوت بودند. زنانی بزرگتر، ثروتمندتر و پیچیدهتر.
مادرش قبلا با هیجان به او گفته بود: «وقتی زیگی بره مدرسه دوستای جدیدی پیدا میکنی!» این جور مواقع جین معمولا تلاش میکرد نگاهش را از مادرش نگیرد و مانند یک نوجوان عبوس عصبی برخورد نکند که میخواهد وارد یک دبیرستان تازه شود. مادر جین با سه تا از بهترین دوستان خودش، بیست و پنج سال پیش زمانی آشنا شده بود که دین، برادر بزرگتر جین به مهد کودک رفته بود. در همان اولین روز مهد کودک با هم قهوهای خورده بودند و از آن زمان تا به حال به دوستانی جدا نشدنی تبدیل شده بودند.
جین به مادرش گفته بود: «من دوست جدیدی نمیخوام.»
مادرش گفته بود: «چرا میخوای. باید با بقیه مادرا دوست بشی. از همدیگه حمایت میکنید. میفهمی قراره چیکار کنی.» جین چند بار تلاش کرده بود وارد انجمنهای مادران شود ولی فایدهای نداشت. اصلا نمیتوانست با این زنان سرزنده و حرافی کنار بیاید که مرتب در مورد مسائلی همچون کمک نکردن شوهران، آماده نشدن تغییرات منزل پیش از به دنیا آمدن بچه و گرفتاریهای فراوانی که باعث میشد حتی فرصت آرایش هم پیدا نکنند، حرف میزدند (جین که نه آن زمان آرایش داشت و نه بعدا اصلا آرایش میکرد، سعی میکرد با مهربانی و بیمنظور به آنها نگاه کند. ولی در دلش میگفت: عجب مزخرفاتی!).
« اصلاً شبیه تیریویا نیست. » این را پَتی پاندر به گربه اش ماری آنتوانت گفت. « شبیه میدون جنگه. »
گربه پاسخ او را نداد. در حال چرت زدن بود و به نظرش مهمانی تیریویا اتفاق بی اهمیتی بود.
« برات مهم نیست، نه؟ با خودت فکر می کنی به ما چه؟ بذار کیک بخورن و خوش باشن. امشب یه عالمه کیک می خورن. البته فکر نکنم مادرهای مدرسه زیاد کیک بخورن. همشون لاغرن. مثل تو. »
ماری آنتوانت انگار به حرف او خندید.
خانم پاندر کنترل تلویزیون را برداشت و صدای برنامه ی « رقص با ستاره ها » را کم کرد. فقط برای این که صدای باران را نشنود صدای تلویزیون را زیاد کرده بود و حالا شدت بارش باران کم شده بود.
صدای فریاد پدر و مادرها به گوش می رسید. شنیدن صدای آن ها خانم پاندر را آزار می داد. گویی همه ی آن خشونت به سمت او روانه شده بود ( خانم پاندر در کنار مادری پرخاشگر بزرگ شده بود. )
« خدای من، فکر می کنی درباره ی این که پایتخت گواتمالا کجاست دعوا می کنن؟ تو می دونی پایتخت گواتمالا کجاست؟ باید تو گوگل پیداش کنم. مسخره م نکن! »
ماری آنتوانت بو کشید.
« بریم ببینیم چه خبره. » و به سرعت سمت در حرکت کرد. نگران بود و سعی می کرد جلو گربه اش نگرانی خود را بروز ندهد. درست مانند زمانی که صدایی از بیرون به گوش می رسید و دلش نمی خواست نگرانی خود را جلو فرزندان و در نبود پدرشان نشان دهد.
خانم پاندر با کمک واکر از جای خود بلند شد. ماری آنتوانت به آرامی خود را بین پاهای خانم پاندر جا داد؛ همان پاهایی که به زور واکر و آرام سمت پشت خانه می رفت.
اتاق خیاطی او رو به حیاط مدرسه بود.
وقتی تصمیم گرفت این خانه را بخرد دخترش به او گفته بود: « وای مامان! دیوونه شدی؟ »
اما خانم پاندر عاشق شنیدن صدای بچه ها در زنگ تفریح بود. دیگر توانایی رانندگی هم نداشت پس دیگر اهمیتی ندارد در این خیابان شلوغ که پر از ماشین های بزرگ شاسی بلند است و خانم های شیک پشت فرمان آن نشسته و درباره ی رقص باله هریت یا چارلی ….
توصیحات کتاب Big Little Lies :
From the author of Truly Madly Guilty and The Husband s Secret comes a novel about the dangerous little lies we tell ourselves just to survive
A murder…A tragic accident…Or just parents behaving badly? What’s indisputable is that someone is dead.
Madeline is a force to be reckoned with. She’s funny, biting, and passionate; she remembers everything and forgives no one. Celeste is the kind of beautiful woman who makes the world stop and stare but she is paying a price for the illusion of perfection. New to town, single mom Jane is so young that another mother mistakes her for a nanny. She comes with a mysterious past and a sadness beyond her years. These three women are at different crossroads, but they will all wind up in the same shocking place.
Big Little Lies is a brilliant take on ex-husbands and second wives, mothers and daughters, schoolyard scandal, and the little lies that can turn lethal.
جملاتی از متن انگلیسی کتاب Big Little Lies :
Big Little Lies Quotes
“They say it’s good to let your grudges go, but I don’t know, I’m quite fond of my grudge. I tend it like a little pet.”
― Big Little Lies
“All conflict can be traced back to someone’s feelings getting hurt, don’t you think?”
― Big Little Lies
“I mean a fat, ugly man can still be funny and lovable and successful,” continued Jane. “But it’s like it’s the most shameful thing for a woman to be.” “But you weren’t, you’re not—” began Madeline. “Yes, OK, but so what if I was!” interrupted Jane. “What if I was! That’s my point. What if I was a bit overweight and not especially pretty? Why is that so terrible? So disgusting? Why is that the end of the world?”
― Big Little Lies
“Every day I think, ‘Gosh, you look a bit tired today,’ and it’s just recently occurred to me that it’s not that I’m tired, it’s that this is the way I look now.”
― Big Little Lies
“It’s because a woman’s entire self-worth rests on her looks,” said Jane. “That’s why. It’s because we live in a beauty-obsessed society where the most important thing a woman can do is make herself attractive to men.”
― Big Little Lies
“Reading a novel was like returning to a once-beloved holiday destination.”
― Big Little Lies
“Those we love don’t go away, they sit beside us every day.”
― Big Little Lies
“Champagne is never a mistake.”
― Big Little Lies
“Everyone wanted to be rich and beautiful, but the truly rich and beautiful had to pretend they were just the same as everyone else.”
― Big Little Lies
“Nothing and nobody could aggravate you the way your child could aggravate you.”
― Big Little Lies
“Did anyone really know their child? Your child was a little stranger, constantly changing, disappearing and reintroducing himself to you. New personality traits could appear overnight.”
― Big Little Lies
“It had never crossed her mind that sending your child to school would be like going back to school yourself.”
― Big Little Lies
“women are like the Olympic athletes of grudges.”
― Big Little Lies
“First kisses didn’t necessarily require darkness and alcohol, they could happen in the open air, with the sun warm on your face and everything around you honest and real and true.”
― Big Little Lies
“If parents had children who were good sleepers, they assumed this was due to their good parenting, not good luck.”
― Big Little Lies
“She’d swallowed it whole and pretended it meant nothing, and therefore it had come to mean everything.”
― Big Little Lies
“Children did this. They sensed when there was something controversial or sensitive and they pushed and pushed like tiny prosecutors.”
― Big Little Lies
“She’d never really believed in it before. Then, as she hit her late thirties, her body said, OK, you don’t believe in PMS? I’ll show you PMS. Get a load of this, bitch. Now, for one day every month, she had to fake everything: her basic humanity, her love for her children, her love for Ed. She’d once been appalled to hear of women claiming PMS as a defense for murder. Now she understood. She could happily murder someone today! In fact, she felt like there should be some sort of recognition for her remarkable strength of character that she didn’t.”
― Big Little Lies
“Little kids, little problems. Wait till you’ve got drugs and sex and social media to worry about.”
― Big Little Lies
“But every time she tried yoga she found herself silently chanting her own mantra: I’m so boooored, I’m so boooored.”
― Big Little Lies
“Bonnie and her mum are both members of Amnesty International,” said Abigail.
“Of course they are,” murmured Madeline. This must be how Jennifer Aniston feels, thought Madeline, whenever she hears about Angelina and Brad adopting another orphan or two.”
― Big Little Lies
“If she packaged the perfect Facebook life, maybe she would start to believe it herself.”
― Big Little Lies
“This was not the career she’d dreamed of as an ambitious seventeen-year-old, but now it was hard to remember ever feeling innocent and audacious enough to dream of a certain type of life, as if you got to choose how things turned out.”
― Big Little Lies
“When someone you loved was depending on your lie, it was perfectly easy.”
― Big Little Lies
“Helicopter parents. Before I started at Pirriwee Public, I thought it was an exaggeration, this thing about parents being overly involved with their kids. I mean, my mum and dad loved me, they were, like, interested in me when I was growing up in the nineties, but they weren’t, like, obsessed with me.”
― Big Little Lies
“The boys had always been her reason to stay, but now for the first time they were her reason to leave. She’d allowed violence to become a normal part of their life.”
― Big Little Lies
“but sometimes doing the wrong thing was also right.”
― Big Little Lies
“As she drove the familiar route to the school, she considered her magnificent new age. Forty. She could still feel “forty” the way it felt when she was fifteen. Such a colorless age. Marooned in the middle of your life. Nothing would matter all that much when you were forty. You wouldn’t have real feelings when you were forty, because you’d be safely cushioned by your frumpy forty-ness.
Forty-year-old woman found dead. Oh dear.
Twenty-year-old woman found dead. Tragedy! Sadness! Find that murderer!”
― Big Little Lies
“The only woman who deserved a philandering husband was a philandering wife.”
― Big Little Lies
“every relationship had its own “love account.” Doing something kind for your partner was like a deposit. A negative comment was a withdrawal. The trick was to keep your account in credit.”
― Big Little Lies
“Mothers took their mothering so seriously now. Their frantic little faces…Ponytails swinging. Eyes fixed on the mobile phones held in the palms of their hands like compasses.”
― Big Little Lies
“It was interesting how you could say things when you where walking that you might not otherwise have said with the pressure of eye contact across a table.”
― Big Little Lies
“Did she love him as much as she hated him? Did she hate him as much as she loved him?”
― Big Little Lies
“Bonnie must give him organic blow jobs.”
― Big Little Lies
“Stick with the nice boys, Chloe!” said Madeline after a moment. “Like Daddy. Bad boys don’t bring you coffee in bed, I’ll tell you that for free.”
― Big Little Lies
“Shut up,” said Madeline. “I thought we didn’t say ‘shut up’ in our house.” “Fuck off, then,” said Madeline.”
― Big Little Lies
“Today would be perfect in every way. The Facebook photos wouldn’t lie. So much joy. Her life had so much so joy. That was an actual verifiable fact.”
― Big Little Lies
“It is a very pretty beach. We’re not really beach people, and obviously no one wants to see this in a bikini!” She made a face of pure loathing and gestured at her perfectly ordinary body, which Madeline judged to be about the same size as her own.
“I don’t see why not,” said Madeline. She had no patience for this sort of talk. It drove her to distraction the way women wanted to bond over self-hatred.”
― Big Little Lies
“It wasn’t her dream job, but she did quite enjoy the satisfaction of transforming a messy pile of paperwork into neat rows of figures.”
― Big Little Lies
“It shouldn’t matter. She knew it shouldn’t matter. But the fact was that some people were so unacceptably, hurtfully beautiful, it made you feel ashamed. Your inferiority was right there on display for the world to see. This was what a woman was meant to look like. Exactly this.”
― Big Little Lies
“It drove her to distraction the way women wanted to bond over self-hatred.”
― Big Little Lies
“No, no. She’s a career woman. She has a full-time nanny. I think she just imported a new one from France. She likes European stuff. Renata doesn’t have time to help at the school. She has board meetings to attend. Whenever you talk to her she’s just been to a board meeting, or she’s on her way back from a board meeting, or she’s preparing for a board meeting. I mean, how often do these boards have to meet?”
― Big Little Lies
“And maybe it was more than that.
Maybe it was actually an unspoken instant agreement between the four women on the balcony: No woman should pay for the accidental death of this particular man. Maybe it was an involuntary, atavistic response to thousands of years of violence against women. Maybe it was for every rape, every brutal backhanded slap, every other Perry that had come before this one.”
― Big Little Lies
“It’s because we live in a beauty-obsessed society where the most important thing a woman can do is make herself attractive to men.”
― Big Little Lies
“The front of the cafe was all open glass, and the seating was arranged so that wherever you sat you faced the beach, as if you were there to watch the sea perform a show. As Jane looked around her, she felt that dissatisfied feeling she often experienced when she was somewhere new and lovely. She couldn’t quite articulate it except with the words “If only I were here”. This little beachside cafe was so exquisite, she longed to really be there — except, of course, she was there, so it didn’t make any sense.”
― Big Little Lies
“Something snapped,” said Madeline. She saw Perry’s hand shining back in its graceful, practiced arc. She heard Bonnie’s guttural voice. It occurred to her that there were so many levels of evil in the world. Small evils like her own malicious words. Like not inviting a child to a party. Bigger evils like walking out on your wife and newborn baby or sleeping with your child’s nanny. And then there was the sort of evil which Madeline had no experience: cruelty in hotel rooms and violence in suburban homes and little girls sold like merchandise, shattering innocent hearts.”
― Big Little Lies
“Their arguments always went like this. The angrier Madeline got, the more freakishly calm Ed became, until he reached a point where he sounded like a hostage negotiator dealing with a lunatic and a ticking bomb. It was infuriating.”
― Big Little Lies
“She had too much imagination. Too much empathy […] there was real pain in the world, right this very moment people were suffering unimaginable atrocities and you couldn’t close your heart completely, but you couldn’t leave it wide open either, because otherwise how could you possibly live your life, when through pure, random luck you got to live in paradise?”
― Big Little Lies
“Stick with the nice boys…bad boys don’t bring you coffee in bed, I’ll tell you that for free.”
― Big Little Lies
“Bonnie is so ‘calm,’ you see. The opposite of me. She speaks in one of those soft . . . low . . . melodious voices that make you want to punch a wall.”
― Big Little Lies
“Why did they all have to tread so very delicately around Celeste’s money? It was like wealth was an embarrassing medical condition. It was the same with Celeste’s beauty. Strangers gave Celeste the same furtive looks they gave to people with missing limbs, and if Madeline ever mentioned Celeste’s looks, Celeste responded with something like shame. “Shhh,” she’d say, looking around fearfully in case someone overheard. Everyone wanted to be rich and beautiful, but the truly rich and beautiful had to pretend they were just the same as everyone else. Oh, it was a funny old world.”
― Big Little Lies
“the world, right this very moment people were suffering unimaginable atrocities and you couldn’t close your heart completely, but you couldn’t leave it wide open either, because otherwise how could you possibly live your life, when through pure, random luck you got to live in paradise? You had to register the existence of evil, do the little that you could, and then close your mind and think about new shoes.”
― Big Little Lies
“It was just so very surprising that the good-looking, worried man who had just offered her a cup of tea, and was right now working at his computer down the hallway, and who would come running if she called him, and who loved her with all of his strange heart, would in all probability one day kill her.”
― Big Little Lies
“All conflict can be traced back to someone’s feelings getting hurt, don’t you think? Divorce. World wars. Legal action. Well, maybe not every legal action.”
― Big Little Lies
“They say it’s good to let your grudges go, but I don’t know, I’m quite fond of my grudge. I tend it like a little pet.”
― Big Little Lies
“You get what you get and you don’t get upset!” screamed Fred.”
― Big Little Lies
“They both went to opposite sides of the bed, snapped on their bedside lamps and pulled back the cover in a smooth, practiced, synchronized move that proved, depending on Madeline’s mood, that they either had the perfect marriage or that they were stuck in a middle-class suburban rut and they needed to sell the house and go traveling around India.”
― Big Little Lies
“Mothers took their mothering so seriously now. Their frantic little faces. Their busy little bottoms strutting into the school in their tight gym gear. Ponytails swinging. Eyes fixed on the mobile phones held in the palms of their hands like compasses.”
― Big Little Lies
“But I feel ugly, because one man said it was so, and that made it so. It’s pathetic.”
― Big Little Lies
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