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کتاب رمان انگلیسی ادامه بده نوشته رینبو راول Carry On by Rainbow Rowell

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رمان انگلیسی ادامه بده Carry On، داستانی فانتزی و عاشقانه و جادوگری نوشته ی رینبو راول Rainbow Rowell است که اولین بار در سال ۲۰۱۵ وارد بازار نشر شد.

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Carry On

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ادامه بده


رینبو راول  Rainbow Rowell

دانلود کتاب رمان انگلیسی ادامه بده نوشته رینبو راول|Carry On

درباره کتاب رمان انگلیسی ادامه بده اثر رینبو راول :

کتاب ادامه بده، رمانی فانتزی و عاشقانه نوشته ی رینبو راول است که اولین بار در سال ۲۰۱۵ وارد بازار نشر شد. سایمون اسنو، بدترین پسر برگزیده‌ای است که تا کنون برگزیده شده!  البته این چیزی است که هم اتاقی اش، بَز، می گوید. این درست که بَز، خبیث و خون آشام و در مجموع یک عوضی تمام عیار است اما حرفش درباره ی سایمون، چندان غلط هم نیست. سایمون نیمی از اوقات حتی نمی تواند چوب جادوگری اش را به کار بیندازد و در زمان هایی که می تواند نیز، چیزی را به آتش می کشد. استادش از او دوری می کند، رابطه ی عاشقانه اش از هم پاشیده و از همه ی این ها بدتر، هیولایی جادوخوار با چهره ی سایمون مشغول خرابکاری است. اگر بَز اینجا بود، مشکلات خیلی راحت تر از این ها ممکن بود حل شوند. رمان ادامه بده، عاشقانه ای جذاب و پرمعما است و همه ی ویژگی های دوست داشتنی آثار رینبو راول را در خود دارد… البته با هیولاهایی بسیار بسیار بیشتر!

نکوداشت های کتاب:

Rowell imbues her magic with awe and spectacle.
راول، جادوی خود را در شگفتی و رویدادهای چشم نواز غوطه ور می کند.
 New York Times Book Review

A brilliantly addictive, genuinely romantic story.
یک داستان عاشقانه ی فوق العاده اعتیادآور و بدیع.

Full of heart and humor, a fantastical tale.
سرشار از احساس و شوخ طبعی، داستانی شگفت انگیز.
People Magazine


بخش ها و جملاتی از کتاب :

تو یه تراژدی کامل هستی، سایمون اسنو. واقعا نمی شد که از این افتضاح تر باشی.

تلاش می کند که مرا ببوسد اما خودم را عقب می کشم و می گویم: و تو این رو دوست داری؟

می گوید: عاشقشم.


چون اینجوری به هم میایم.

باید وانمود کنی که بازی ات، انتهایی داره. باید همانطور که می خوای، ادامه بدی، در غیر این صورت اصلا نمی تونی ادامه بدی

«تو یه تراژدی کامل هستی، سایمون اسنو. واقعا نمی شد که از این افتضاح تر باشی.» تلاش می کند که مرا ببوسد اما خودم را عقب می کشم و می گویم: «و تو این رو دوست داری؟» می گوید: «عاشقشم.» «چرا؟» «چون اینجوری به هم میایم.»

تو خورشید بودی و من داشتم روی تو سقوط می کردم. هر صبح بلند می شدم و فکر می کردم که «این ماجرا آخرش توی شعله های آتیش تموم می شه.»


دانلود کتاب رمان انگلیسی ادامه بده نوشته رینبو راول|Carry On


Carry On by Rainbow Rowell

Simon Snow is the worst Chosen One who’s ever been chosen.

That’s what his roommate, Baz, says. And Baz might be evil and a vampire and a complete git, but he’s probably right.

Half the time, Simon can’t even make his wand work, and the other half, he starts something on fire. His mentor’s avoiding him, his girlfriend broke up with him, and there’s a magic-eating monster running around, wearing Simon’s face. Baz would be having a field day with all this, if he were here — it’s their last year at the Watford School of Magicks, and Simon’s infuriating nemesis didn’t even bother to show up.

Carry On – The Rise and Fall of Simon Snow is a ghost story, a love story and a mystery. It has just as much kissing and talking as you’d expect from a Rainbow Rowell story – but far, far more monsters.

دانلود کتاب رمان انگلیسی ادامه بده نوشته رینبو راول|Carry On


Carry On Quotes

“You were the sun, and I was crashing into you.”

“What you are is a fucking tragedy, Simon Snow. You literally couldn’t be a bigger mess.”
He tries to kiss me, but I pull back- “And you like that?”
“I love it.” He says
“Because we match.”

“You have to pretend you get an endgame. You have to carry on like you will; otherwise, you can’t carry on at all.”

“I am going to die kissing Simon Snow. Aleister Crowley, I’m living a charmed life.”

“You were the sun, and I was crashing into you. I’d wake up every morning and think, ‘This will end in flames.”

“Sharing a room with the person you want most is like sharing a room with an open fire.

He’s constantly drawing you in. And you’re constantly stepping too close. And you know it’s not good–that there is no good–that there’s absolutely nothing that can ever come of it.

But you do it anyway.
And then…
Well. Then you burn.”

“Just when you think you’re having a scene without Simon, he drops in to remind you that everyone else is a supporting character in his catastrophe.”

“He’s still looking in my eyes. Staring me down like he did that dragon, chin tilted and locked. “I’m not the Chosen One,” he says.
I meet his gaze and sneer. My arm is a steel band around his waist. “I choose you,” I say. “Simon Snow, I choose you.”

“I let myself slip away… Just to stay sane. Just to get through it. And when I felt myself slipping too far, I held on to the one thing I’m always sure of – Blue eyes. Bronze curls. The fact that Simon Snow is the most powerful magician alive. That nothing can hurt him, not even me. That Simon Snow is alive. And I’m hopelessly in love with him.”

“It’s the good things that hurt when you’re missing them.”

“For a moment—not even a moment, a split second—I imagine him saying, ‘The truth is, I’m desperately attracted to you.’ And then I imagine myself spitting in his face. And then I imagine licking it off his cheek and kissing him. (Because I’m disturbed. Ask anyone.)”

“I was eleven years old, and I’d lost my mother, and my soul, and the Crucible gave me you.”

“The front seat is for people who’ve never been kidnapped by bloody numpties. Jesus Christ, Baz.”

“The whole prophecy is bollocks,” I say. “‘And one will come to end us. And one will bring his fall.’ Did I also bring my own fall?”
“No,” Baz says. “That was me. Obviously.”
“How did you bring my fall? I stopped the Humdrum myself.”
Baz looks back at his phone, bored. “Fell in love, didn’t you?”

“He smiles, and he’s made of trouble.”

“He shakes his head, and he’s saying something, and I think I might kiss him. Because I’ve never kissed anyone before. (I was afraid I might bite.) And I’ve never wanted to kiss anyone but him. (I won’t bite. I won’t hurt him.) I just want to kiss him, then go. “Simon…,” I say. And then he kisses me.”

“How often do you have to drink?”
“Every night, to feel good. Every few nights, to stay sane.”
“Have you ever bitten anyone?”
“No. I’m not a murderer.”
“Does it have to be fatal every time? The biting? Couldn’t you just drink some of a person’s blood, then walk away?”
“I can’t believe you’re asking me this, Snow. You, who can’t walk away from half a sandwich.”

“I think I might kiss him. He’s right here. And his lips are hanging open (mouth breather) and his eyes are alive, alive, alive.”
― Rainbow Rowell, Carry On

“Snow kissed me last night until my mouth was sore. He kissed me so much, I was worried I’d Turn him with all my saliva. He held himself up on all fours above me and made me reach up for his mouth—and I did. I would again. I’d cross every line for him.
I’m in love with him.
And he likes this better than fighting.”

“It’s like being a fairy named Mary,” he goes on. “Or a vampire named Gampire,” I say. “Gampire isn’t even a proper name, Snow. You’re terrible at this game.”

“She told me later that her parents had told her to steer clear of me at school.
“My mum said that nobody really knew where you came from. And that you might be dangerous.” “Why didn’t you listen to her?” I asked.
“Because nobody knew where you came from, Simon! And you might be dangerous!”
“You have the worst survival instincts.”
“Also, I felt sorry for you,” she said. “You were holding your wand backwards.”

“He’s a book full of footnotes brought to life. He’s a jacket made of elbow patches.”
― Rainbow Rowell, Carry On

“You were the centre of my universe and everything else spun around you.”

“I lean into him, because I’m cold and he’s always warm. And because I like to remind him that I’m not afraid of him.”

“Sometimes when I’m walking through the dining hall, just saying hello to people, she’ll drag me by my sleeve to hurry me up.
“You have too many friends,” she’ll say.
“I’m pretty sure that’s not possible. And, anyway, I wouldn’t call them all ‘friends.’”
“There are only so many hours in the day, Simon. Two, three people—that’s all any of us have time for.”
“There are more people than that in your immediate family, Penny.”
“I know. It’s a struggle.”

“He looks at my face and huffs, exasperated. “Baz, you’re actually, literally the only thing I have to lose. So as long as doing gay stuff in public doesn’t make you hate me, I don’t really care.”
“We’re just dancing,” I say. “That’s hardly gay stuff.”
“Dancing’s well gay,” he says. “Even when it isn’t two blokes.”

“How can you be like this?’ I whisper. ‘How can you even trust me, after everything?’ ‘I’m not sure I do trust you,’ he whispers back. He reaches out with his other hand and touches my stomach. I feel it drop to the floor. (My stomach, that is.) ‘But…’ He shrugs. He’s rubbing my stomach, and I close my eyes-because it feels good. (So good.) And also because I want him to kiss me again.”

“If Baz thinks I’m ever letting him go, he’s wrong. I like him like this. Under my thumb. Under my hands. Not off plotting and scheming and talking to vampires.
I’ve got you now, I think. I’ve finally got you where I want you.”

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کتاب رمان انگلیسی ادامه بده نوشته رینبو راول Carry On by Rainbow Rowell

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