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How To Think More About Sex by Alain de Botton

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آلن دو باتن در این کتاب با پوشش موضوعاتی مانند شهوت، زنا ، فتیشیسم ، پور*نوگرافی و ناتوانی جنسی ، استدلال می کند که رابطه جنسی در قرن بیست و یکم، عملی متعادل کننده بین عشق و آرزو ، ماجراجویی و تعهد است. وی با بررسی رابطه جنسی از منظر ذهنی ، ایده های جدیدی را در مورد چگونگی دستیابی به این تعادل کشف می کند و با ارائه بینش و تسلی خاطر به ما کمک می کند تا درباره رابطه جنسی عمیق تر و عاقلانه تر فکر کنیم.

 چگونه بیشتر در مورد رابطه جنسی فکر کنیم نوشته آلن دو باتن

How To Think More About Sex by Alain de Botton


Alain de Botton         آلن دو باتن


ویرایش اول، ژانویه ۲۰۱۳ ، ایالات متحده

 دانلود کتاب How To Think More About Sex by Alain de Botton

درباره کتاب چگونه بیشتر در مورد رابطه جنسی فکر کنیم نوشته آلن دو باتن:

آلن دو باتن در این کتاب با پوشش موضوعاتی مانند شهوت، زنا ، فتیشیسم ، پور*نوگرافی و ناتوانی جنسی ، استدلال می کند که رابطه جنسی در قرن بیست و یکم، عملی متعادل کننده بین عشق و آرزو ، ماجراجویی و تعهد است. وی با بررسی رابطه جنسی از منظر ذهنی ، ایده های جدیدی را در مورد چگونگی دستیابی به این تعادل کشف می کند و با ارائه بینش و تسلی خاطر به ما کمک می کند تا درباره رابطه جنسی عمیق تر و عاقلانه تر فکر کنیم.

درباره آلن دو باتن:

آلن دو باتن (Alain de Botton)، نویسنده، فیلسوف و مجری تلویزیون سوئیسی-انگلیسی، در سال ۱۹۶۹ در زوریخ به دنیا آمد و بیشتر عمر خود را در انگلستان گذراند. او که فارغ التحصیل تاریخ در دانشگاه کمبریج و فلسفه در کینگزکالج است، دوره دکتری در رشته فلسفه فرانسه را نیمه کاره رها کرد تا به نوشتن کتاب های فلسفه به زبان ساده بپردازد. موضوع کتابهای او عشق، دوستی، روابط اجتماعی، هنر، چالش‌های شغلی، سفر، خانه و زندگی روزمره انسان هاست. مشهورترین کتاب او به نام جستارهایی در باب عشق که در سال ۱۹۹۳ منتشر شد ، بیش از دو میلیون نسخه از آن به فروش رفت.

او  موسس «مدرسه زندگی» (The school of life) است که با هدف پرورش هوش عاطفی در سال ۲۰۰۸ در لندن تاسیس شد و به داشتن حس بهتر نسبت به خود و زندگی کمک می‌کند،


وی در بخشی از کتاب “چگونه بیشتر در مورد رابطه جنسی فکر کنیم”مینویسد:

هرچه از نزدیک آنچه را که “جذاب” می دانیم ، تجزیه و تحلیل کنیم ، واضح تر خواهیم فهمید که اروتیسم احساس هیجانی است که در یافتن انسانی دیگر تجربه می کنیم و ارزش های ما و معنای وجودی ما را در اختیار دارد.


How to Think More About Sex by Alain de Botton (The School of Life)

Covering such topics as adultery, lust, pornography and impotence, Alain de Botton argues that 21st century sex will always be a balancing act of trust versus risk, and of primal desire versus studied civility. By examining sex from a subjective perspective, he uncovers new ideas on how we can achieve that balance.


How to Think More About Sex Quotes

“Without sex, we would be dangerously invulnerable. We might believe we were not ridiculous. We wouldn’t know rejection and humiliation so intimately.”

 دانلود کتاب چگونه بیشتر در مورد رابطه جنسی فکر کنیم نوشته آلن دو باتن

“Once we are involved in a relationship, there is no longer any such thing as a minor detail.”
― How to Think More About Sex by Alain de Botton

“Sex gets us out of the house and out of ourselves.”
 چگونه بیشتر در مورد رابطه جنسی فکر کنیم نوشته آلن دو باتن

“Nothing is erotic that isn’t also, with the wrong person, revolting, which is precisely what makes erotic moments so intense: at the precise juncture where disgust could be at its height, we find only welcome and permission.”
― How to Think More About Sex by Alain de Botton

“Beneath the kiss itself, it is its meaning that interests us—which is why the desire to kiss someone can be decisively reduced (as it may need be, for instance, when two lovers are already married to other people) by a declaration of that desire—a confession which may in itself be so erotic as to render the actual kiss superfluous.”

 از نسخه انگلیسی کتاب چگونه بیشتر در مورد رابطه جنسی فکر کنیم نوشته آلن دو باتن

“By overwhelming consensus, our culture locates the primary difficulty of relationships in finding the ‘right’ person rather than in knowing how to love a real — that is, a necessarily rather unright — human being.”
― How to Think More About Sex by Alain de Botton

“The new pornography would combine sexual excitement with an interest in other human ideals. The usual animalistic categories and hackneyed plots, replete with stock characters seemingly incapable of coherent speech, would give way to pornographic images and scenarios based aorund such qualities as intelligence (showing people reading or wandering the stacks in libraries), kindness (people performing oral sex on one another with an air of sweetness and regard) or humility (people caught looking embarrassed, shy or self-conscious).”
 چگونه بیشتر در مورد رابطه جنسی فکر کنیم نوشته آلن دو باتن

“Our feelings of anxiety are genuine but confused signals that something is amiss, and so need to be listened to and patiently interpreted — processes which are unlikely to be completed when we have to hand, in the computer, one of the most powerful tools of distraction ever invented. The entire internet is in a sense pornographic, a deliverer of a constant excitement that we have no innate capacity to resist, a seducer that leads us down paths that for the most part do nothing to answer our real needs.”
― How to Think More About Sex by Alain de Botton

“Rejection hurts so much because we take it as a damning judgement passed not merely on our physical appeal but on our entire selves, and by extension (at this stage we’re crying into our pillow, as something by Bach or Leonard Cohen plays on the stereo) on our very right to exist. 2.”
 چگونه بیشتر در مورد رابطه جنسی فکر کنیم نوشته آلن دو باتن

“At the heart of the pain created by sexual rejection is our habit of interpreting it as a moral judgement, when it might more accurately be categorized as a mere accident. We can start to break free from this torture by recognizing that the evenings that don’t work out are really just a minor species of bad luck. The”

― download How to Think More About Sex by Alain de Botton pdf

“We were bothered by sex because it is a fundamentally disruptive, overwhelming and demented force, strongly at odds with the majority of our ambitions and all but incapable of being discreetly integrated within civilized society.”
 چگونه بیشتر در مورد رابطه جنسی فکر کنیم نوشته آلن دو باتن

“Despite our best efforts to clean it of its peculiarities, sex will never be either simple or nice in the ways we might like it to be. It is not fundamentally democratic or kind; it is bound up with cruelty, transgression and the desire for subjugation and humiliation. It refuses to sit neatly on top of love, as it should.”
― How to Think More About Sex by Alain de Botton

“Despite our best efforts to clean it of its peculiarities, sex will never be either simple or nice in the ways we might like it to be.”
 چگونه بیشتر در مورد رابطه جنسی فکر کنیم نوشته آلن دو باتن

“The defenders of feeling-based marriage venerate emotions for their authenticity only because they avoid looking closely at what actually floats through most people’s emotional kaleidoscopes, all the contradictory, sentimental, and hormonal forces that pull us in a hundred often crazed and inconclusive directions.

We could not be fulfilled if we weren’t inauthentic some of the time—inauthentic, that is, in relation to such things as our passing desires to throttle our children, poison our spouse, or end our marriage over a dispute about changing a lightbulb. A degree of repression is necessary for both the mental health of our species and the adequate functioning of a decently ordered society. We are chaotic chemical propositions. We should feel grateful for, and protected by, the knowledge that our external circumstances are often out of line with what we feel; it is a sign that we are probably on the right course.”

  How to Think More About Sex دانلود

“Without sex, we would be dangerously invulnerable. We might believe we were not ridiculous.”
 چگونه بیشتر در مورد رابطه جنسی فکر کنیم نوشته آلن دو باتن

“The wish to sleep with certain people can arise in us long before we have had the chance to get to know them properly – before, that is, we have had any opportunity to sit down and have a discussion with them about their history, interests and feelings.”

― download epub How to Think More About Sex by Alain de Botton

“A spouse who gets angry at having been betrayed is evading a basic, tragic truth: that no one can be everything to another person.”
 چگونه بیشتر در مورد رابطه جنسی فکر کنیم نوشته آلن دو باتن

“It is as if we need to be reminded of convention in order properly to appreciate the wonder of being unguarded…”
― How to Think More About Sex by Alain de Botton

“Tame it though we may try, sex has a recurring tendency to wreak havoc across our lives: it leads us to destroy our relationships, threatens our productivity and compels us to stay up too late in nightclubs talking to people whom we don’t like but whose exposed midriffs we nevertheless strongly wish to touch.”
 چگونه بیشتر در مورد رابطه جنسی فکر کنیم نوشته آلن دو باتن

“For most of our lives, sex seems fated to remain steeped in longing and awkwardness. Whatever the manuals may promise, there are really no solutions to the majority of the dilemmas sex creates for us.”
― download pdf How to Think More About Sex by Alain de Botton

“Like many other outstanding examples of the genre, Ingres’s portrait teaches us that appearance can be a bearer of authentic meaning.”
 چگونه بیشتر در مورد رابطه جنسی فکر کنیم نوشته آلن دو باتن

“We could not be fulfilled if we weren’t inauthentic some of the time, perhaps even a lot of it – inauthentic, that is, in relation to such things as our passing desires to throttle our children, poison our spouse or end our marriage over a dispute about changing a light bulb.”
― How to Think More About Sex by Alain de Botton

“We are chaotic chemical propositions, in dire need of basic principles that we can adhere to during our brief rational spells.”
 چگونه بیشتر در مورد رابطه جنسی فکر کنیم نوشته آلن دو باتن

“It was not by mere coincidence that sex so disturbed us for thousands of years: repressive religious dictates and social taboos grew out of aspects of our nature that cannot now just be wished away.”
― free download How to Think More About Sex by Alain de Botton

“Eroticism is therefore seemingly most clearly manifest at the intersection between the formal and the intimate.”
 چگونه بیشتر در مورد رابطه جنسی فکر کنیم نوشته آلن دو باتن

“There are lessons for long-term relationships in the way that Manet approached asparagus.”
― How to Think More About Sex by Alain de Botton

“At the heart of the pain created by sexual rejection is our habit of interpreting it as a moral judgement, when it might more accurately be categorized as a mere accident.”

― download How to Think More About Sex by Alain de Botton

“We are chaotic chemical propositions, in dire need of basic principles that we can adhere to during our brief rational spells. We should feel grateful for, and protected by, the knowledge that our external circumstances are often out of line with what we feel; it is a sign that we are probably on the right course.”
― How to Think More About Sex by Alain de Botton

“In moments of lucidity, we should be able to see for ourselves that untrammeled liberty can paradoxically trap us”

 معرفی کتاب چگونه بیشتر در مورد رابطه جنسی فکر کنیم نوشته آلن دو باتن

“On the Universal Tendency to Debasement in the Sphere of Love’,”
― How to Think More About Sex by Alain de Botton

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